Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Sunday, March 2, 2025

Hardworking Design Made in the U.S.A. 

A new generation of American design is about to make its move -- HPC can help.

Design isn’t just about aesthetics. You wouldn’t feel the same amount of adoration for your iPhone if it were just a great piece of art with no functionality, because real, American design is about functionality and efficiency. In a recent article on, “The United States of Design,” they called this type of design “hardworking design.” America definitely has an edge on the competition in this department.

A new generation of innovators in America are taking design and marrying it with technology – a formula created by such powerhouses as Apple, Google and Facebook. This generation doesn’t even need their parent’s garage to start their business. With new grass roots sites like Kickstarter, Twitter, Etsy and You Tube, they can promote their product, approach potential investors and sell their goods with the click of a mouse, bringing a plethora of new hardworking designs to the marketplace not only of the U.S., but worldwide.

The coupling of a new business model and this hardworking design is bringing the U.S. into the design world as a real contender according to the article: “Breakthrough innovation has long been America's economic trump card. And if you study American history, you see that when innovation has been married to good design, it has yielded unprecedented economic growth. From the design of Levi's to the creation of the Coke bottle, the Model T to the Brownie camera, Frank Lloyd Wright's prairie houses to Air Jordans and iPads, Americans tend to deliver great designs in innovative ways that elevate products beyond being simply beautiful artifacts.”

Now, think of the possibilities of taking this hardworking design to the next level by enlisting the full power of high performance computing with its advanced modeling and simulation capabilities.  Great design becomes even greater.
