Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Saturday, February 22, 2025

ASME Issues Positon Paper on Bolstering U.S. Manufacturing 

ASME government relations rep notes anemic support on Capitol Hill for various manufacturing revitalization initiatives.

Support on Capitol Hill for the various manufacturing initiatives launched this year remains weak, claims Paul Fakes, a government relations representative for ASME (founded as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers). That includes the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership, launched by President Obama last June.

In a recent issue of Mechanical Engineering, the ASME magazine, Frakes writes that “Although the House Appropriations Committee issued a report citing the ‘urgent need to revitalize the nation’s manufacturing base,’ the committee recently voted to deny all funding for two programs critical to the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership—NIST’s Technology Innovation Program (TIP) and a newly proposed program called the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Consortia (AMTech).”

 ASME has leapt into the fray.  The Society’s Board of Governess recently released a position statement titled “Strengthening the U.S. Manufacturing Sector.” Among its recommendations: Prioritize long-term federal research projects and support a balanced portfolio of engineering and scientific research among the physical and life sciences; support scholarships for students and workers pursuing science and engineering degrees; bolster R&D tax credits; strengthen tax incentives for workforce development and continuing education; and encourage the formation of R&D and STEM education partnership among government, industry, and universities.

 The complete ASME position paper, “Strengthening the U.S. Manufacturing Sector,” is available at
