Exploring CAE as a Service in the UberCloud Experiment
This is an open invitation to members of our CAE community to join us for this third round of the UberCloud CAE Experiment, where we will jointly apply the cloud computing services model to compute intensive workloads on remote cluster computing resources.
To all industry end users, CAE experts, compute resource and software providers: The UberCloud CAE Experiment is making computing available as a service, for everybody, on demand, at your fingertips, by jointly exploring the end-to-end process of using remote computing resources as a service, and learning how to resolve the many roadblocks.
The CAE Experiment started in July last year with 160 organizations and 25 teams, helping industry end-users to explore access and use of remote computing resources available from computing centers and from the cloud. Detailed results have been published in the final report and are available upon registration. Then, the second, much improved round of the experiment started last December, with more than 350 organizations and 35 teams as of today and will conclude at the end of March. Now, for round 3 starting April 1, we invite industry end-users, software providers, CAE experts, and resource providers from computing centers and from the cloud, to join the experiment and collaboratively explore the end-to-end process of remote CAE as a Service, hands on, in 22 well-defined guided steps.
Round 3 will be running from April until the end of June. We are expecting about 400 organizations to form 50 new teams built around industry end-users' applications running on remote computing resources. The experiment will be conducted more formally, with more automation, and will be more user-friendly. The 22-step end-to-end process will be better guided, and the Basecamp 'team rooms' for collaboration will be even more comfortable. We will also provide three levels of support: front line (within each team), 2nd level (UberCloud mentors), and 3rd level (software & hardware providers), and finally further grow the interactive UberCloud Exhibit services directory.
For an in-depth look at the benefits and challenges associated with the cloud-based computing model, see our full-length feature at HPC in the Cloud.