Cloud Storage Platform Verified as Citrix Ready
Cloudian today announced that its Cloudian Connector for Citrix CloudPortal Business Manager 2.1 has been verified as Citrix Ready. The Citrix Ready program helps customers identify third-party solutions that are recommended to enhance virtualization, networking and cloud computing solutions from Citrix Systems, Inc. The new Cloudian Connector completed a rigorous verification process to ensure full compatibility with the newly announced Citrix CloudPortal Business Manager 2.1.
The Citrix Ready program makes it easy for customers to identify complementary products and solutions that can enhance Citrix environments. Customers can be confident that the Cloudian Connector has successfully passed a series of tests established by Citrix, and can be trusted to work effectively with Citrix CloudPortal Business Manager 2.1 in order to offer a turnkey on-premise cloud storage solution that gives enterprises a small start option with full S3 compatibility.
Key features of the Cloudian Connector for CloudPortal Business Manager include:
- Storage Service Catalog: Users can create a customized catalog of storage offerings that can be delivered to selected user types, organizations, and channels. Authorized users can then provision and consume storage on-demand.
- Flexible Pricing Schemes: Users can associate subscription pricing with storage services based on regions, channels, currencies, organization, storage capacity, etc.
- Self-Service Provisioning: Users can browse and provision storage services on-demand from the services catalog using a simple, intuitive self-service portal. Services are provisioned automatically without any intervention from IT or the cloud operator.
- Usage & Bill Tracking: Users can access usage, billing and payment information on-demand using a self-service dashboard.