Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Thursday, January 30, 2025

SAS Data Management Updated 

SAS has updated SAS Data Management to empower business users to fit data to their needs while accommodating IT data management practices.

New role-based interfaces and integrated data stewardship in SAS Data Management significantly reduce the burden on IT of managing data assets. Time saved frees up specialized staff to work on other high-value projects. Further, with the new SAS Federation Server, users can combine data from multiple sources to create virtual business views of information that best fit immediate needs without moving or duplicating data.

“Enabling business users to do analysis for themselves eliminates time-consuming manual processes required by IT,” said Jim Davis, SAS Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer. ”When business users can quickly dig out value from data to make informed decisions, IT personnel have more time to devote to projects that require their unique skills.”

Business users are more efficient when they can access trusted information when they need it. SAS Data Management’s integrated data remediation, workflow management, monitoring and dashboarding – delivered within a single, role-based interface – let organizations customize the software to fit the needs of any user and any data challenge.

Business users have tough questions. They often require information from multiple business units or data sources. SAS Federation Server enables them to quickly and easily pull up reliable information, create reports, generate answers and manipulate that data on the spot – without duplicating or transferring data. SAS does this by creating an abstraction data layer that both IT and business staff can use to quickly access data residing in multiple sources. And this virtual data layer avoids complexities associated with traditional data management.

Say business users want an easily understood report that joins current sales forecast and marketing campaign data. Instead of IT spending days or weeks developing a complex integration process, SAS Federation Server lets them create a simple view that joins the two results while always showing the most up-to-date data using business-relevant data labels – all without duplicating the data.

SAS Data Management extends the usefulness of features within Hadoop environments such as MapReduce, Hive, Pig and others by providing such essential capabilities as metadata management, data lineage and security. Users can push core data manipulation and exploration processing down into Hadoop through the consolidated SAS Data Management solution. This uses existing SAS skills among business and technical users instead of requiring specialized Hadoop proficiencies.
