ArrayFire v2.1 Released
Today in conjunction with the International Workshop on OpenCL (IWOCL), we announce the release of ArrayFire v2.1, supporting CUDA and OpenCL. This new version adds full commercial support for Mac OS X, as well as language support for R!, Fortran, and Java. A complete list ArrayFire v2.1 updates and new features can be found in the product Release Notes.
ArrayFire is a CUDA and OpenCL library designed for maximum speed without the hassle of writing time-consuming CUDA and OpenCL device code. With ArrayFire’s library functions, developers can maximize productivity and performance. Each of ArrayFire’s functions has been hand-tuned by CUDA and OpenCL experts.
The library contains hundreds of functions for math, signal processing, image processing, and algorithms. Through its broad function set, nearly every engineering, science, or financial simulation can be accelerated today.
ArrayFire includes the innovative GFOR-loop, enabling all iterations of a FOR-loop to run simultaneously on CUDA and OpenCL devices. It also includes the notable Graphics Library for stunning data visualizations.
Major Updates and New Features
-- Support for Mac OS X
-- New language support for R!, Fortran, and Java
-- ArrayFire extras on Github
- Rolling updates to examples
- OpenGL interop example
Function Additions
-- Image transformation (warp affine) functions
- Transform - affine and inverse affine transform of an image
- Translate - translate an image using affine transforms
- Scale - scale an image using affine transforms
- Skew - skew an image using affine transforms
-- Coordinate transformation (homogeneous transformation) functions
- Transform_chords - up to 3D homogeneous transformations
- Rotate_chords - rotation matrix wrapper for homogeneous coordinate transformation