Aerospike NoSQL Database Receives Open Source Licensing
Aerospike Inc. today announced open source licensing for the Aerospike in-memory NoSQL database. The Aerospike client software development kit (SDK) is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, and the Aerospike database server is licensed under the Affero General Public License (APGL). The first database to be built from the ground up to take advantage of modern processors and flash memory, Aerospike operates at in-memory speed and global scale with enterprise-grade reliability. This move gives entrepreneurs and enterprises access to the same horsepower as proprietary in-house database technology built by Internet giants, such as Google, Amazon and Facebook.
The Aerospike database has already helped companies in the digital marketing sector grow from start-ups handling gigabytes of data at tens of thousands of transactions per second (TPS) to global-scale operations managing terabytes of data and billions of objects at millions of transactions per second. Fast on the heels of these early adopters, enterprises in retail, financial services, and telecommunications are now also scaling their applications.
Aerospike was built by developers who had worked at Internet companies and experienced the limitations of relational and first-generation NoSQL databases. Brian Bulkowski, Aerospike co-founder and CTO, explained, “We founded Aerospike because we wanted to simplify scaling and empower all developers—not just the few who worked at companies with deep enough pockets to build their own technologies.”
Srini V. Srinivasan, Aerospike co-founder and vice president of engineering and operations, added, “Now that Aerospike has been in production non-stop for close to four years in some of the world’s most data-intensive environments, we are fulfilling our commitment to developers by open sourcing the technology and expanding our community.”
Proven in Production, Powering Some of the Largest Real-Time Bidding Exchanges and Digital Marketing Platforms
Aerospike has established a reputation for being the database of choice for user stores and ID-mapping stores in real-time bidding (RTB) and digital marketing. The modern architecture for Internet enterprises consists of Aerospike as the real-time “system of engagement” behind a Web application tier and in front of a Hadoop cluster. Insights from Hadoop analytics are periodically moved into Aerospike and combined with “hot analytics” in Aerospike to give consumers precisely what they want at the moment it matters most.
Applications are now also facing overwhelming pressure from mobile devices, exceeding the capacity of caches and existing databases, often doubling memory requirements and the costs of scaling. This is leading more enterprises to deploy Aerospike behind their Web application tiers and in front of legacy databases.
The visionary Aerospike database has established many firsts:
- First database to scale up using a patent-pending combination of indexes in RAM and data in direct-attached flash storage, such as solid-state drives (SSDs) for near in-memory speed at flash storage prices.
- First database to scale out supporting mixed read/write workloads and a combination of transactions and patented “indexed map-reduce” technology for “hot analytics” on terabytes of up-to-the-moment user context, such as clicks and swipes, geo-location, demographics, and audience segments.
- First in-memory NoSQL database to ensure enterprise-grade reliability with strong consistency and ACID properties. Additionally, because even a few seconds offline can lead to millions of dollars in lost revenues, Aerospike was designed to ensure zero downtime with manual intervention only for hardware changes and software upgrades. Proven in production in numerous global-scale deployments, the Aerospike database successfully delivers on its promise of non-stop service.