Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Friday, January 10, 2025

Siaras Unveils cloudScape 

Siaras today unveiled cloudScape, a software platform for network service providers enabling them to seamlessly federate cloud-based virtual data centers with on-demand, intercloud WAN connectivity. Using cloudScape, network service providers can deliver integrated multi-cloud solutions relying on their own public or managed private cloud assets as well as third-party public clouds such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft AzureIBM SoftLayer, and others. More importantly, by leveraging the provider's own network assets, cloudScape allows network service providers to offer a much more complete and open cloud product to their enterprise customers than those available from large public cloud providers.

Founded in 2013 by industry veterans Vivek Ragavan and Sig Luft, Siaras has leveraged the deep networking roots of its technical team in order to solve real and intractable problems inherent in cloud computing as enterprises contemplate moving more mission critical apps to the cloud.

Siaras president and CEO Ragavan sees open cloud-to-WAN integration as "an important enabler to much broader cloud adoption, especially infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). Despite widespread growth thus far, cloud operators have largely picked off the 'low-hanging apps' that can operate quite well with unmanaged internet connectivity. Continued growth requires a more cloud-like approach to the WAN."

Siaras cloudScape

Siaras cloudScape, which allows service providers to build "overclouds" with multiple heterogeneous data center and WAN "underclouds" provides the following functions:

  1. Automatic orchestration of open intercloud WANs in response to real time needs between virtual data centers.
  2. On demand intercloud WAN connectivity, or WAN-as-a-service (WANaaS), enabling connections to be spun up and torn down in a matter of minutes.
  3. Traffic-engineering-as-a-service (TEaaS) allowing per-app, policy-based sharing of WAN connectivity.
  4. Virtual points-of-presence (POPs) inside third-party public clouds facilitating the on-demand establishment of virtual data centers along with requisite WAN connectivity. This is especially important for cloud bursting, data base back up, and disaster recovery scenarios.