Mellanox ConnectX-4 100Gb/s Interconnect Adapter Delivers Record Performance Results
Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. a leading supplier of high-performance, end-to-end interconnect solutions, announced today that its industry-leading ConnectX-4 EDR 100Gb/s InfiniBand adapter attained world-record performance results. Achieving InfiniBand throughput of 100Gb/s, bi-directional throughput of 195Gb/s, applications latency level of 610 nanoseconds and message rate of 149.5 million messages per second, ConnectX-4 is the highest performing adapter for the HPC, Web 2.0, cloud, machine learning, storage and enterprise applications.
“Interconnect performance capabilities are critical to data- and compute-intensive applications which require ultra-low latency and a high rate of message communication in order to deliver faster results,” said Gilad Shainer, vice president of marketing at Mellanox Technologies. “At 100Gb/s, for example, you can transmit a whole Blu-ray disc of data in two seconds. ConnectX-4 opens new capabilities for high-performance, data analytics, machine learning and storage applications. With the new records of interconnect performance, ConnectX-4 adapters provide the means to increase data center return on investment while reducing IT costs.”
ConnectX-4 has already been selected to power CORAL (Collaboration of Oak Ridge, Argonne and Lawrence Livermore National Labs) to help ease the Department of Energy’s new mission-critical applications.
ConnectX-4 adapters are sampling today with select customers. With ConnectX-4, Mellanox offers a complete end-to-end EDR 100Gb/s InfiniBand solution, including the EDR 100Gb/s Switch-IB InfiniBand switch and LinkX 100Gb/s copper and fiber cables.