EnterpriseDB Features Enterprise Postgres Migrations at Gartner Summit
EnterpriseDB (EDB), a leading worldwide provider of enterprise-class Postgres products and database compatibility solutions, is showcasing the enterprise-class performance of Postgres during the Gartner Enterprise Information & Master Data Management Summit today and tomorrow in Las Vegas.
EDB and its customer Clear Capital will present a case study during the event that illustrates the ease and benefits of migrating from a costly, traditional database to EDB's Postgres Plus Advanced Server.
Brands globally have discovered Postgres provides the performance and security required to support mission-critical workloads at a fraction of the cost of traditional databases. With an open source based model that reduces costs, Postgres Plus solutions from EDB enable IT to redirect budget to support new data-driven initiatives. Clear Capital is a data-driven enterprise, providing residential and commercial real estate valuations, data and analytics, quality assurance services and technology solutions.
"EDB has become an industry leader by providing a database, tools and compatibility with Oracle that support most of the applications global enterprises typically run," said Marc Linster, Senior Vice President of Products and Services at EnterpriseDB. "We believe our recent positioning in the Leaders Quadrant of the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Operational Database Management Systems* is a reflection of that. The fact we cut database costs has made us popular with innovative departments looking to redirect budget to more strategic, forward-thinking projects."
Postgres is the world's most advanced open source relational database, with new features and capabilities in recent releases enhancing performance, manageability and ease-of-use. Postgres' expanded NoSQL capabilities and the ability to use Postgres for building geospatial applications using PostGIS have helped fuel its popularity. EDB has extended Postgres with business-critical performance, security and manageability enhancements, database compatibility for Oracle to ease migrations and enterprise-class tools for replication, high availability, monitoring and manageability.