Shippable Pioneers DevOps 2.0 Platform for Dockerized Applications
SEATTLE, Wash., June 17 -- Shippable, a platform focused on improving developer efficiency, today announced a new product line, Shippable Formations, along with major upgrades to its existing continuous integration platform, Shippable CI/CD. Together, these products help developers easily build, validate and deploy Docker-based applications into full-topology environments without writing any DevOps code.
Empowering Developers to ship code faster
With CI/CD and Formations, Shippable is reinventing traditional DevOps with a developer-centric approach. Traditional DevOps relies on IT Automation tools that are expensive and need significant resources and code to make automation work. Shippable’s approach, coined as DevOps 2.0, addresses this problem with some key features.
Frictionless Continuous Delivery without writing DevOps code - Automated workflow from source control to a fully deployed topology that mimics production. Deployments are managed without code, scripts, or IT Automation tools.
Dockerized Smart Environments - Persistent, multi-container environments that automatically update themselves with each code commit, without needing to set up separate configuration management, version management, or continuous deployment tooling. Applications are decoupled from servers, so developers have full visibility into their applications without the need for SSH access.
Automated integration/functional testing – Tests run against a real topology as opposed to testing against stubbed dependencies.
Shippable Formations addresses issues that typically slow down the release of complex applications, which is important as companies become more agile and move toward a microservices architecture. Developers can easily see the status of all code versions running across all environments, making them traceable back to the specific code change, and create immutable releases with a one click upgrade and rollback to a newer or older version.
Shippable Formations seamlessly integrates with Shippable’s continuous integration service, Shippable CI/CD. However, customers can also use other CI tools like Jenkins, TravisCI, or CircleCI, and use Shippable Formations for their post-CI deployment pipeline. Formations is fully compatible with Docker Compose, a format used to describe complex applications with multi-container topologies.
“As one of the earliest adopters of Docker, we’d built many internal tools and processes designed to help us ship faster,” said CEO Avi Cavale, “As our customers started to adopt Docker and ask for features, we realized they were describing what we’d already built for ourselves, resulting in today’s announcement. We look forward to continuing to work with the community and address the needs of developers. “
Shippable CI/CD introduces advanced Docker workflows
Upgrades to Shippable’s continuous integration platform, Shippable CI/CD, include:
- Ability to use any Docker file or Docker image for builds and tests, without requiring to provision your own build host;
- Lighthouse, the ability to monitor changes to Docker images, no matter who owns or manages them; and,
- Integration with Google Container Registry.
Shippable CI/CD currently has more than 8500 businesses and more than 55,000 individual customers. The service runs over 200,000 containers weekly and is one of the largest deployments of Docker in production.
Availability and Pricing
Shippable Formations and Shippable CI are available immediately. Shippable Formations is priced at $7/container monthly and comes with a 60 day free trial. Each container is guaranteed to have 1 core, 512MB RAM. Larger containers with 1 GB, 2 GB and 4GB RAM will be offered shortly after launch.
For Shippable CI/CD, the first build container is still free and includes unlimited builds for public and private repositories. Additional containers are priced at $10/container. All containers are guaranteed to have 2 cores, 4GB RAM.
Source: Shippable