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SC15 Releases Enterprise HPC Impact Showcase 

Nov. 4 — The HPC Impact Showcase highlights real-world applications of high performance computing (HPC) at companies who are currently employing HPC to advance their competitiveness and innovation in the global marketplace.

The Showcase is designed to introduce attendees to the many ways that HPC matters in our world, through testimonials from companies large and small.  Rather than a technical deep dive of how they are using or managing their HPC environments, their stories are meant to tell how their companies are adopting and embracing HPC as well as how it is improving their businesses.

Whether you are new to HPC or a long-time professional, you are sure to learn something new and exciting in the HPC Impact Showcase. Presentations will be framed for a non-expert audience interested in technology, and will discuss how the use of HPC has resulted in design, engineering, or manufacturing innovations.

The Showcase runs Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and consists of invited presentations from leading HPC practitioners from industry. The Showcase is open to all SC15 attendees with any type of badge.

The HPC Impact Showcase is brought to you by John Deere.

System Level Large Eddy Simulation of a Large Gas Turbine Combustor

Date: Tuesday, November 17th
Time:  1:00-1:50PM
Presenter(s): Dheeraj Kapilavai (General Electric)

Abstract: Combustion in large industry gas turbine consists of complicated physics such as turbulence, multi-specie mixing, chemical reaction, and heat transfer. The combustion process is highly turbulent and unsteady due to the interaction between the turbulence and the combustion. The better understanding of the unsteady combustion will help to reduce the emission and enhance the durability of the gas turbine. At the exit of the combustor, the first stage nozzle is critical for the durability of the turbine.

The cooling and hence the heat transfer in the first stage nozzle is of great importance. In order to predict the heat transfer correctly, the upstream conditions form the combustor is needed. In the traditional approach, the 2D exit temperature profile is derived from combustor model and used as inlet condition for the nozzle simulation. However, the combustor exit flow is unsteady and 3 dimensional.

It is desired to model the combustor and first stage nozzle together. In this study, a complete combustor can and nozzles of GE 9HA gas turbine are modeled using large eddy simulation (LES) method. The model reveals the intricate details of the turbulent flame structures. The unsteady flow field and the upstream conditions of the nozzles are studied too.

Realizing Actionable Computer Security Results Through HPC-Powered Analysis
Date: Tuesday, November 17th
Time: 1:50-2:40PM
Presenter(s): Eric Dull (Deloitte and Touche, LLP)

Abstract: Deloitte is realizing significant, actionable results in cyber analysis for clients by utilizing a cyber analytics infrastructure built on High-Performance and commodity computing architectures. This infrastructure is allowing Deloitte to rapidly develop “big-data” analytic workflows by combining many large data sets that address clients’ analytic challenges in the areas of cyber reconnaissance, cyber hunt, and supply chain analysis.

These workflows can then be executed efficiently enough to delivery actionable results to clients. This presentation will include Deloitte’s cyber analytic architecture, outline data flows, highlight useful algorithms and data transforms, and discuss two case studies, highlighting analytic successes and client outcomes.

Use of HPC Throughout the Product Cycle
Date: Tuesday, November 17th
Time: 2:40-3:30PM
Presenter(s): Mohamad S. El-Zein (John Deere)

Abstract: HPC has the reputation of solving problems related to climate prediction, aerospace and defense, oil discovery, etc. However, the use of HPC in everyday product design from inception through the supply chain is rarely highlighted due to its scarcity in terms of “HPC”. A scan through areas of use of HPC through the supply chain of product design will be highlighted and discussed.

Establishing an Enterprise HPC Service at Boeing

Date: Wednesday, November 18th
Time: 1:00-1:50PM
Presenter(s): Joerg Gablonsky (Boeing)

Abstract: Joerg Gablonsky, Chai of the Enterprise HPC Council, will present on establishing an enterprise HPC service at the Boeing company.

Discrete Element Method (DEM) Modeling on HPC Machines at Procter & Gamble
Date: Wednesday, November 18th
Time: 1:50-2:40PM
Presenter(s): Chris Stoltz (Procter & Gamble)

Abstract: This talk will focus on the use of Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulations at P&G for the simulation of granular materials, and how we have moved towards the use of open-source software in an HPC environment. We will present a broad overview of DEM, including a discussion of some of the capabilities and limitations inherent in conducting DEM simulations, and then discuss how we have taken advantage of our HPC environment to dramatically improve our capability for simulation in this area. We also include some benchmark studies we have carried out to evaluate the performance and scalability of a variety of simulation types.

An HPC-Based Computational Epidemiology Infrastructure for Ebola Response
Date: Wednesday, November 18th
Time: 2:40-3:30PM
Presenter(s): Keith Bisset (Virginia Bioinformatics Institute)

Abstract: The 2014-2015 Ebola outbreak in Western Africa has illuminated the significant threat posed by infectious diseases to human lives and society. As of September 2015, over 12,000 individuals have been confirmed infected, with another 5,000 suspected cases, and almost 6,500 deaths. Applying interventions in a resource-poor area during an ongoing epidemic is not easily done and the level of success is uncertain.

Modeling disease outbreaks can therefore be helpful by providing epidemic forecasts that explain the complex dynamics of infectious diseases. Simulation and modeling can predict the likely impact of possible interventions before they are implemented. As a result, policy makers and health care workers are provided with guidance and support.

High performance computing, big-data analytics, algorithms, visualizations and distributed systems are all important while developing scalable tools and decision support systems. Real-time computational epidemiology incorporating currently available ground information is critical to support decisions in the field. A state-of-the-art environment can deliver detailed situational awareness and decision support for an epidemic such as Ebola. NDSSL is supporting several federal agencies, including the DoD and NIH, by supplying them analytic results, enabling government decision makers to make more informed scientifically backed decisions and policies.

The Infectious Disease Modeling Environment was quickly retargeted to Ebola, enabling us to: infer disease parameters in the very early phase of the epidemic, produce weekly forecasts of disease incidence and mortality, understand the chances of Ebola spreading in continental US, provide input on the location of Ebola.

High Performance Computing and Gas Turbine Design
Date: Thursday, November 19th
Time: 1:00-1:50PM
Presenter(s): Todd Simons (Rolls-Royce plc)

Abstract: Todd Simons will discuss some of the design challenges that are being tackled with High Performance Computing at Rolls-Royce, and talk about the challenges of addressing computational demands for modeling computational fluid and structural mechanics in an industrial setting.

HPC at BP: Enabling Seismic Imaging and Rock Physics Research
Date: Thursday, November 19th
Time: 1:50-2:40PM
Presenter(s): Keith Gray (BP)

Abstract: Seismic Imaging and rock physics are key research focus areas for BP’s Upstream Business and high-performance computing (HPC) is critical to enable the research breakthroughs required for our successful exploration and development programs. Since 2013, our team has completed construction and moved into a new computing facility. We have delivered a 3.8-petaflop system. We have been able to strengthen our Software Development and Computational Science Team. The presentation will review the strategy for our HPC team, our history, current capabilities, and near-term plans. Also discussed will be the business value delivered by our seismic imaging research.

HPC Transforming Approaches to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
Date: Thursday, November 19th
Time: 2:40-3:30PM
Presenter(s): Joseph Lombardo (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)

Abstract: The University of Nevada Las Vegas and the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health have been awarded an $11.1 million federal grant from the National Institutes of Health and National Institute of General Medical Sciences to advance the understanding of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

In this session, we will present how UNLV’s National Supercomputing Center will be a critical component to this research which will combine brain imaging with neuropsychological and behavioral studies to increase our knowledge of dementia-related and age-associated degenerative disorders.

Source: SC15
