Intel Releases SC15 Community Hub Details
Nov. 10 -- Looking for the HPC community thought leaders and luminaries at SC15?
You will find many of them at the Intel Community Hub (Intel booth #1333) where hourly interactive discussions will feature more than 35 community thought leaders over three-days. Speakers from organizations such as CERN, ANL, LANL, LLNL, TACC, and NERSC, along with updates on the U.S. National Strategic Computing Initiative, a talk from Nielsen on ‘Bridging the Worlds of HPC and Big Data’, and community discussion groups addressing topics on diversity in HPC, lessons learned from many code modernization efforts, the changing landscape of HPC storage, the latest HPC initiatives in Europe, and the latest views from the Lustre community.
Get more information on Intel’s presence at SC15 at
You can also get the latest full schedule of the Intel SC15 Community Hub sessions with links for direct calendar invites online at:
Featured Speakers and Discussion Group Leaders at Intel's SC15 Community Hub include the following:
- Katie Antypas, NERSC
- Eric Barton, Intel
- Paul Calleja, Cambridge Univ.
- Susan Coghlan, ANL
- Toni Collis, EPCC
- Trish Damkroger, LLNL
- Lavinia Darlea, CERN
- Bronis de Supinski, LLNL
- Andreas Dilger, Intel
- Rudolph Eigenmann, NSF
- Al Gara, Intel
- Richard Gerber, NERSC
- Maria Girone, CERN
- Gary Grider, LANL
- Rebecca Hartman-Baker, NERSC
- Earl Joseph, IDC
- Aaron Knoll, Univ. of Utah
- Quincey Koziol, HDF Group
- Matt Leininger, LLNL
- Bill Magro, Intel
- John Mansour, Nielsen
- Tommy Minyard, TACC
- Dave Mullaly, HP
- Tom Murphy, CCC
- Jean Philippe Nomine, CEA
- Nick Nystrom, PSC
- Sarp Oral, ORNL
- Mike Papka, ANL/NIU
- Tim Polk, OSTP
- Fons Rademakers, CERN
- Lorna Ivette Rivera, UIUC
- Rob Ross, ANL
- Mark Seager, Intel
- Brad Settlemyer, LANL
- Chris Sewell, LANL
- Sameer Shende, Univ. of Oregon
- Marc Stearman, LLNL
- Thomas Sterling, Indiana Univ.
- Estel Suarez, Julich
- Rick Wagner, SDSC
- Michelle Weiland, EPCC
- John West, TACC
Source: Intel