Galactic Exchange’s ClusterGX Now Available for Deployment on AWS
MENLO PARK, Calif., March 8 -- Galactic Exchange announced today that the cloud version of ClusterGX, the world's most easy to deploy and use Enterprise-Class Spark/Hadoop clustering platform, is now available for deployment on AWS -- and it is absolutely FREE. The AWS version of ClusterGX maintains the incredibly easy deployment capability of the on-premise version. It also retains an identical look and feel so that operation of on-premise or cloud versions requires no additional training.
"We are delighted to make the AWS version of ClusterGX available for customer deployment," said Rob Mustarde, Chief Executive of Galactic Exchange. "Our vision of Big Data simplification, even at Enterprise scale, resonates with everyone we talk to, almost without exception -- so adding AWS support for ClusterGX was an obvious next step."
Galactic Exchange will also add ClusterGX support to other common cloud platforms such as Microsoft Azure and Google Compute Platform in the coming months.
Until now, the choice of running Spark/Hadoop clusters in the cloud was either to pay for the add-on services from the cloud provider -- such as Amazon's Elastic MapReduce (EMR) service -- or go through the painfully complex and time-consuming process of remotely deploying an alternate distribution such as Apache Hadoop or one of the commercial offerings from vendors such as Cloudera or HortonWorks.
ClusterGX has been designed so that it is possible to deploy a Spark/Hadoop cluster on AWS just as quickly, and with even less complexity, than Amazon's own EMR service. In fact, deploying ClusterGX can be successfully completed by virtually anyone -- on-premise or in the cloud, and even as a hybrid -- in just a few minutes and without any prior Big Data experience.
ClusterGX for AWS provides a broad range of popular and late edition open source tools and frameworks for building big data pipelines. These include Spark (v2.0), Hadoop (v2.6.0), Kafka (v0.1.0), Hive (v1.1.0), Cassandra (v3.0). ElasticSearch (v3.1), Flume (v1.6.0) and many others. Please contact Galactic Exchange for a full listing. ClusterGX will work with Amazon's EBS storage to build an HDFS data lake and can also attach directly to Amazon S3 to take advantage of data storage already in existence.
Big Data Services in the cloud are not as low cost as they might initially seem. As an example, the retail cost of Amazon's Big Data offering EMR (Elastic MapReduce) can cost upto 27 cents per hour, per instance (price shown based on the m4.16xlarge general purpose instance as advertised on the Amazon web site 3/7/2017). This cost excludes the Amazon EC2 charge for the instance itself and Amazon restricts the EC2 instance options available for EMR to a small subset of those normally available. Whilst 27 cents per hour does not sound like a lot, for a permanent big data cluster running on AWS, this equates to over $2,350 per annum, per instance just for the EMR element.
By contrast, the cost for running ClusterGX Standard Edition is 100% free and can be used for an unlimited number of instances. You can also deploy ClusterGX on every EC2 instance type that Amazon offers. When it comes to financing, a 100 instance ClusterGX deployment could save upto $230,000 on EMR costs every year, in perpetuity.
"This is definitely a disrupting technology for big data cloud deployments," said Mike Matchett, Senior Analyst at Big Data analyst firm The Taneja Group. "While it has always been possible to self-deploy big data alternatives to services such as EMR, the complexity involved has always made that a zero-sum game for most organizations. Now with ClusterGX supported on AWS, it really is possible to have your cake and eat it. With capabilities such as hybrid on-premise and cloud deployments and a zero cost starting point, this is something that any enterprise investing in cloud big data services should take a serious look at."
About Galactic Exchange
Galactic Exchange, Inc. develops software to enable the industry's easiest and fastest possible deployment and management of powerful container-enabled compute clusters for Big Data. The ClusterGX platform can be deployed in minutes on-premise or in the cloud, with zero required big data or clustering experience. Free software can be downloaded today from the Galactic Exchange web site by registering at
Source: Galactic Exchange