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CloudiFacturing Announces 1st Open Call 

May 23, 2018 -- CloudiFacturing is a project open to new teams of third-party participants. With this announcement, CloudiFacturing is drawing attention to its upcoming open call for proposals to initiate the creative process of generating ideas for Application Experiments. Application Experiments are dedicated sub-projects with a one-year duration that are executed within the scope of CloudiFacturing.

With the open call, CloudiFacturing is seeking innovative use cases in the context of the project’s mission. The use cases shall clearly state their industrial impact for the involved manufacturing companies based on their expected benefit from exploiting computational engineering and production services and workflows powered by the CloudiFacturing technology.

CloudiFacturing especially welcomes use cases that:

  1. simulate manufacturing processes or manufacturing tools,
  2. leverage factory data to learn from it, and
  3. optimize manufacturing processes and/or manufacturability of goods.

The use cases need to be driven by the end user; in other words, a manufacturing company, preferably an SME.

Small consortia consisting of 2 to 5 multidisciplinary partners (e.g. end users from the manufacturing sector, independent software vendors [ISVs], engineering consultants, research organizations, HPC providers, Digital Innovation Hubs) can propose use cases from different manufacturing sectors to be executed within the framework of CloudiFacturing. The minimum number of third parties (partners in the experiment consortium) in an Application Experiment is one end user and one ISV. The experiment consortium must be cross-border, meaning that third parties must be located in different European countries or associated countries. End users should (preferably) be new to the technology being investigated in the experiment; being new to EC projects is also welcome. CloudiFacturing encourages proposals with a high ratio of SMEs (or mid-caps) and participants from new member states.

Why participate?

Selected proposers (third parties) will have the opportunity…

  • to investigate and gather experience with HPC/Cloud Computing technologies for their use case;
  • to explore technical benefits, e.g. better assessment of the producibility and production process optimization by more accurate simulation results using HPC/Cloud resources;
  • to exploit information discovered in factory data to improve processes;
  • to assess Cloud-based business settings and their impact; and
  • to leverage the CloudiFacturing Digital Marketplace being developed as a new distribution channel.

What does CloudiFacturing offer?

  • Vendor-independent Cloud infrastructure already containing engineering and simulation applications and services on which new experiments can be built to extend the range of service offerings via the CloudiFacturing Digital Marketplace.
  • A tailored HPC/Cloud infrastructure (with a contractual environment protecting IPR).
  • Independent evaluation of experiments against your requirements.
  • Experiences from more than 30 experiments.
  • Consultancy on business models.
  • Participation in the I4MS ecosystem (

If you are interested in the open call or have questions, contact one of the local DIHs in Europe:

  • For southwest Europe:
    • Elena Femenía:
    • Insomnia, Spain
  • For south of Europe:
    • Marco Barbagelata:
    • Stam, Italy
  • For southeast and northeast Europe:
    • Gabor Vicze:
    • Innomine, Hungary or
    • Tomáš Karásek:
    • Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
  • For northwest and north Europe:
    • Simon Bergweiler:
    • SmartFactory KL / DFKI, Germany

These DIHs will support you with your questions and ideas and they will help you to prepare a high-quality proposal for experiments that well suit the call and have a high potential impact.

If you are interested or you have questions, you can also contact us at:

The CloudiFacturing consortium will publish more information (e.g. Guide for Applicants, FAQ, webinar, etc.) on its web page about its 1st open call between now and the 1st of July 2018:

Summary of the open call facts

Seven or more Application Experiments are planned to be funded in this call with an overall EC contribution of roughly 700k€.

Opening date Closing date Duration of experiment Funding (EC contribution)
1.7.2018 30.9.2018 12 months (1. Jan. to 31. Dec. 2019) approx. 100k€ per experiment depending on number of partners (max. 60 k€ per 3rd party)

The time between the closing of the call and the start of the experiments is used for experiment selection by independent experts and contract set-up between the 3rd parties and the coordinating organization of CloudiFacturing, namely Fraunhofer.

Source: CloudiFacturing
