HPCwire Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards Turns 15

Editor’s note: Stay tuned for sister publication HPCwire’s 2018 Readers’ Choice Award nominations! These annual awards are our way of giving back, community, but we cannot do it without you. To make sure you have the chance to submit your favorite industry efforts across verticals and technologies, subscribe to EnterpriseTech and we’ll be reaching out this month to request your nominations.
A hallmark of sustainability is this: If you are not serving a need effectively and efficiently you do not last. The HPCwire Readers’ and Editors’ Choice awards program has stood the test of time. Each year, our readers recognize the outstanding organizations, technologies and use cases across science and industry. Launched in 2003 at Supercomputing in Phoenix, the program is celebrating 15 years of honoring achievement in HPC.
Each year, several months before SC, our worldwide readership is polled to determine Readers’ Choices and a panel of industry luminaries decides the Editors’ Choices. Inaugural award winners honored at SC03 included Cray, IBM, SGI, Cisco, Sun, Linux Networx, Dell, EMC – and Apple. Lest anyone forget Apple’s foray into high-performance computing, its System X installation at Virginia Tech, comprised of dual-processor Power Mac G5s, was once the fastest academic supercomputer in the world.

Tom Tabor, publisher of EnterpriseTech and HPCwire, recalls the awards program was conceived from a desire to recognize compelling and worthwhile HPC success stories. From an initial pool of 12 categories, the program has reflected the growth and broadening impact of high-performance computing beyond its roots in academia and government.
“With the proliferation of HPC, it became obvious and apparent that we needed to have broader recognition of breakthrough applications and technologies,” Tabor said. Over the last decade-and-a-half, the awards have expanded to encompass cloud, data analytics and multiple industries and science uses.
In 2014 and 2015, the program added Workforce Diversity and Outstanding Leadership award categories, reflecting the importance of inclusivity and social contributions in the space.
In shining a spotlight on important scientific, industrial and technical achievements, the awards program raises public awareness of HPC’s vital role in advancing society and helping us better understand the world around us. On the Monday night of SC, when HPCwire officially announces the winners to the media, there is a flurry of global press activity.
“The night of the SC gala and the next day, you’ll see these stories appear in the Tokyo Times, in the London papers, in the German news outlets, all around the world,” said Tabor. “It’s another arrow in the HPC quiver, broadening the awareness of HPC not only globally, but to a broader layperson audience.”
“Programs that have that popular accessibility go a long way in spreading the word about the reliability, stability and importance of HPC,” Tabor continued. “The unique value of our Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards is their focus on meaningful applications and productivity use of HPC, whether it’s leadership DOE supercomputing or automotive or financial services or life sciences. When we recognize groups like UNC-Chapel Hill and RENCI for improved storm forecasting or the Earlham Institute for sequencing the wheat genome, all of a sudden you begin to see how much HPC contributes to society and our quality of life.”
“It was a stroke of genius to have both the Reader and Editor categories, since this encouraged your readers to think about what the big breakthroughs are each year,” commented Larry Smarr, founding director of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2) and the visionary behind the National Science Foundation supercomputing centers.
He continued, “I have been fortunate enough to be directly or indirectly involved with a number of these awards over the years. I have the awards proudly displayed in my office at Calit2. Congratulations on 15 years of the awards program, may you continue for another 15!”
John Gustafson, winner of inaugural Gordon Bell Prize, namesake of Gustafson’s law and an SC Perennial, said, “I have always been impressed by the way HPCwire runs its Readers’ & Editors’ Choice Awards. They apply their own ‘jeweler’s eye’ to select the most important trends and exciting new technologies, but balance that with a democratic vote by the HPC community about where things are going. In this way, they get the best of both worlds: HPCwire provides their own thought leadership, side-by-side with a careful journalistic assessment of the views of everyone who cares about and follows HPC.”
“Congratulations to the HPCwire Readers’ & Editors’ Choice Awards on its 15-year anniversary and their valuable recognition of industry innovation within the HPC community,” commented Peter Ungaro, president and CEO of Cray. “At Cray, we’ve worked closely with HPCwire for many years and are proud that our systems and solutions, and those of our partners and visionary customers, have achieved industry recognition with past awards such as the Readers’ and Editors’ Choice awards for ‘Best HPC Server Product or Technology.'”
Alex Larzelere, Senior Fellow at Council on Competitiveness & HPCwirePolicy Editor, also shared some words to mark the occasion. “For me, it has always been a highlight of SC to see who is being recognized by the supercomputing community,” he said. “I do not know if this is appropriate, but I think a Readers’ Choice Award should go to HPCwire. As far as I know, you guys are the oldest continuously publishing newsletter in the HPC world. Also, I believe you are the most respected. I believe this certainly qualifies you to be recognized for the contributions you have made by keeping people aware of the state of the technology and the discussions (sometimes contentious) you have enabled.”
A version of this article was originally published on the SC18 website.