Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Tachyum Launches Customer and Partner Portal Giving Access to Prodigy Emulation System 

LAS VEGAS, September 22, 2021 – Tachyum launched a new Customer and Partner portal to support the needs of those interested in early access to the company’s Prodigy Universal Processor Chip. The interactive resource platform will allow wider access to the world’s first universal processor beyond current partners who have had access to the Prodigy emulation system.

Tachyum’s Customer and Partner portal is a gateway to resources about Prodigy, the world’s first universal processor. Approved customers and partners will have access to the fully functional Prodigy emulation system running native Linux to perform early testing and software development prior to a full four-socket reference design motherboard, which is expected to be available in early 2022. Customers and partners will be able to test x86 application compatibility and mixed native/emulated x86, ARM and RISC-V binaries. Select university partners will also be granted access to the company’s infrastructure.

“As a partner that had access to the Prodigy emulation system, we look forward to expanding our ability and prepare our software ecosystem, as Prodigy continues towards production-ready status,” said Martin Kubala, strategy director of InoCloud.  “Prodigy’s capabilities in improving efficiency and computing power in AI and cloud ecosystems are for us crucial. By having early access to the Prodigy architecture, we are well positioned to leverage its benefits throughout our data centers upon launch, giving us and our customers significant first-mover advantages in the marketplace.”

Prodigy has the potential to create unrivaled computational speed and vast energy saving capabilities for hyperscale, OEM, telecommunication, private cloud and government markets. Prodigy’s 10x lower processor core power consumption will dramatically cut carbon emissions associated with data center usage. Prodigy’s 3x lower cost (at equivalent performance) will also translate to billions of dollars in annual savings to hyperscalers like Google, Facebook, Amazon and Alibaba.

Tachyum’s Prodigy processor can run HPC applications, convolutional AI, explainable AI, general AI, bio AI, and spiking neural networks, plus normal data center workloads, on a single homogeneous processor platform, using existing standard programming models. Without Prodigy, hyperscale data centers must use a combination of disparate CPU, GPU and TPU hardware, for these different workloads, creating inefficiency, expense, and the complexity of separate supply and maintenance infrastructures. Using specific hardware dedicated to each type of workload (e.g. data center, AI, HPC), results in underutilization of hardware resources, and more challenging programming, support, and maintenance. Prodigy’s ability to seamlessly switch among these various workloads dramatically changes the competitive landscape and the economics of data centers.

“As we continue our march towards Prodigy’s deployment, we are at a point where we can provide wider public access to our infrastructure as it matures,” said Dr. Radoslav Danilak, founder and CEO of Tachyum. “In launching a Customer and Partner portal, we will not only be able to grow beyond our current relationships with organizations that have had access to our emulation system, but we will be able to grow a larger native software ecosystem prior to volume production.”

Potential customers or technology partners interested in joining Tachyum’s early access program and utilizing the company’s new portal can apply for access at

About Tachyum

Tachyum is transforming AI, HPC, public and private cloud data center markets with Prodigy, the world’s first Universal Processor that delivers industry-leading performance, cost, and power efficiency for both specialty and general-purpose computing. When Prodigy processors are provisioned in a hyperscale data center, they enable all AI, HPC, and general-purpose applications to run on one hardware infrastructure, saving companies billions of dollars per year. A fully functional Prodigy emulation system is currently available to select customers and partners for early testing and software development. With data centers currently consuming over 3% of the planet’s electricity, predicted to be 10% by 2025, the ultra-low power Prodigy Universal Processor is critical, if we want to continue doubling worldwide data center capacity every four years. Tachyum, Co-founded by Dr. Radoslav Danilak with its flagship product Prodigy, is marching towards tape out targeting end of 2021, with software emulations and an FPGA-based emulator running native Linux available to early adopters. The company is building the world’s fastest 64 AI exaflops supercomputer in 2022 in the EU with Prodigy chips. Tachyum has offices in the United States and Slovakia. For more information, visit

Source: Tachyum
