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Author Archives: Alison Diana

Alison Diana

Managing editor of Enterprise Technology. I've been covering tech and business for many years, for publications such as InformationWeek, Baseline Magazine, and Florida Today. A native Brit and longtime Yankees fan, I live with my husband, daughter, and two cats on the Space Coast in Florida.

Flash Storage Delivers Savings for Email Hosting Firm

June 15th, 2015 Comments Off on Flash Storage Delivers Savings for Email Hosting Firm
Simply by changing its storage technology, a fast-growing SaaS and application provider cut energy costs, eliminated support overhead, and freed up terabytes of storage, while simultaneously improving customer service. BlueTie, a 15-year-old provider of hosted email and calendar solutions ...

To Improve Cybersecurity, Fire Some CEOs

June 15th, 2015 (5)
Despite the amazing number of cybersecurity breaches, so far the Target CEO appears to have been the only one to pay the price. While we hear some calls for the removal of the Anthem CEO, few are talking about ...

Ex-Baidu Researcher Ren Wu Denies Wrongdoing

June 12th, 2015 (1)
Dr. Ren Wu vigorously denies the charges of cheating that led Baidu to reportedly fire the head of its Heterogeneous Computing team after the Chinese search engine developer's supercomputer team was accused of cheating in an artificial intelligence competition. "We ...

Verisae Platform Connects IoT Puzzle Pieces

June 10th, 2015 Comments Off on Verisae Platform Connects IoT Puzzle Pieces
To derive full value from the Internet of Things (IoT), organizations must integrate existing networks, databases, and applications with new sensors, field management systems, and related technologies. Solutions tying all these systems together must be secure, backward compatible, and ...

RAND Corp: Manage Security Like a Business

June 10th, 2015 Comments Off on RAND Corp: Manage Security Like a Business
Organizations must figure out a better way to manage cybersecurity like a business, using metrics to determine the relative return on investment (RROI), and constantly evaluating the lifecycle and effectiveness of their security products and programs in order to ...

Companies Enjoy Many Real Benefits of Virtualization

June 10th, 2015 Comments Off on Companies Enjoy Many Real Benefits of Virtualization
When it's time to adopt cloud, many organizations embrace virtualization as one of their initial steps in this transformative process. But in addition to setting the groundwork for a move to cloud, virtualization delivers many benefits of its own. ...

In-Memory Computing Opens New Doors in Government IT

June 9th, 2015 Comments Off on In-Memory Computing Opens New Doors in Government IT
Many government organizations are discovering new benefits of moving data into memory as enterprise adoption of in-memory computing slowly begins. So what additional benefits are government IT agencies realizing from IMC? Here are just a few. Improved Cluster Synchronization ...

Tap Data’s Value with an Integration Lifecycle Strategy

June 8th, 2015 Comments Off on Tap Data’s Value with an Integration Lifecycle Strategy
The world’s largest and most influential businesses are rethinking how they handle data so they can increase business agility, develop stronger customer relationships, and spur more product or service innovation. A key requirement is to integrate data across different ...

Government Labs Give Enterprises a Supercomputing Boost

June 8th, 2015 Comments Off on Government Labs Give Enterprises a Supercomputing Boost
International conglomerates, tech startups, and SMBs can tap into the federal government's investments in supercomputers and expertise through a series of programs operated by several of the nation's leading NSF funded universities and Department of Energy laboratories. The three ...

How to Avoid Being a Hacker Victim

June 8th, 2015 Comments Off on How to Avoid Being a Hacker Victim
Following in the wake of the recently publicized attacks on government databases and systems, all CIOs and chief security officers should assume their own organizations could be next and must proactively revisit their technologies and processes to ensure they ...
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