Author Archives: Ana Ware
Ana Ware
AI Hardware Summit | The event which defines the industry for the year ahead
June 24th, 2019
Nearly 40 companies, including hyperscalers, semiconductor companies, device manufacturers and the critical mass of AI hardware start-ups from across the globe, will present their approaches to processing machine learning training and inference workloads in both server and client computing. ...
Revolutionizing the Storage Pyramid with Intel® Optane™ Technology
June 17th, 2019
Despite improvements along the way, the storage pyramid hasn’t experienced dramatic innovation since solid state drives based on 3D NAND technology went mainstream in the early 1990s. Meanwhile, data volumes have soared into the stratosphere, and the data’s value ...
Discover the latest research at the Arm Research Summit 2019
May 20th, 2019
The Arm Research Summit is coming to the USA for the first time this year! The multidisciplinary research-focused event will be taking place in Austin, Texas between 15-18 September 2019, and the program will include talks, workshops, demos and plenty ...
Software Defined Storage for Dummies
April 15th, 2019
A starting point for your software-defined-storage strategy that scales with the enterprise HPC has long driven innovation in computing, systems and software and many of the concepts of an HPC infrastructure have transcended into mainstream computing and the modern ...
LiCO: Simplifying AI Development
April 8th, 2019
Abstract Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) is a software solution that simplifies the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects on High Performance Computing (HPC) systems, along with running traditional HPC workloads. For experienced AI professionals such as data scientists, ...
An Open Source Approach to Image/Video Machine Learning
April 1st, 2019
Image and video machine learning capabilities are highly desirable in a wide variety of application areas including autonomous vehicles, security and surveillance, medical diagnostics, scientific research, and more. While each application has its own requirements, increasingly, there is growing ...
Overcoming Network and Storage Bottlenecks in HPC & AI
March 18th, 2019
As processers and data storage drives grow bigger and faster, they can easily overwhelm networks, creating the need for new networking and system I/O approaches. It wasn’t that many years ago that 10GbE networks seemed like the be-all and ...
Architecting for AI Workloads
March 11th, 2019
Artificial intelligence has come of age. To capitalize fully on the opportunities, organizations need to design high-performance computing architectures for AI workloads. After years of talking about the promise of artificial intelligence, enterprises around the world are now diving ...
Arm guiding the way to the future of HPC
February 18th, 2019
If you come to a fork in the road, take it. – Yogi Berra The HPC community used to enjoy the benefits of silicon design, but that has laid dormant for over a decade as commodity parts continued to ...
High-performance Spark: Improving on big data’s swiss army knife to enable AI
February 12th, 2019
In their widely followed 2017 Hype Cycle for Data Management, Gartner’s declaration that Hadoop was “obsolete before plateau” marked a fascinating milestone in the evolution of big data. Big data hasn’t gone away of course. In fact, according to ...