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Author Archives: Doug Black

Doug Black

Deep Learning that Keeps Learning – Near-Time Training at the Edge

June 11th, 2019 Comments Off on Deep Learning that Keeps Learning – Near-Time Training at the Edge
Deep learning is still a stick-figure emulation of human learning. DL can be trained up to have a supercharged IQ based on an astounding amount of information, enabling it to execute some tasks beyond human capability. But deep learning ...

Digital Transformation: AI, RPA and DPA

June 10th, 2019 Comments Off on Digital Transformation: AI, RPA and DPA
 Many businesses today seek to transform their operations using digital technology and automation. After years of encouragement from experts to migrate to the cloud, to automate processes and to prepare for waves of technology innovation, the path forward can ...

FAANGs under Fire: Congress, Administration Looking at Possible Antitrust, Data Ethics Abuses

June 5th, 2019 Comments Off on FAANGs under Fire: Congress, Administration Looking at Possible Antitrust, Data Ethics Abuses
The rising outcry against perceived anti-trust, data ethics and hate speech abuses of FAANG companies has sparked actions from Congressional committees, federal law enforcement agencies and regulators from both political parties looking into the activities of “Big Tech.” The ...

AI Pitfalls and the Hidden Value of the ‘Citizen Data Scientist’

June 5th, 2019 Comments Off on AI Pitfalls and the Hidden Value of the ‘Citizen Data Scientist’
Buzzy new technologies are commonly perceived, at least for a while, as panaceas. When Big Data emerged some years ago, Hadoop hype was rampant. Addison Snell, CEO of industry watcher Intersect360, jokes about data analytics project managers viewing Hadoop ...

Making SQL Servers Resilient in the Cloud

June 3rd, 2019 Comments Off on Making SQL Servers Resilient in the Cloud
In IT, failure is not only an option, it’s inevitable. And in an era when businesses depend on big data, high-performance data analytics (HPDA), machine learning and AI applications running in the cloud, failures can have serious consequences. Failure ...

AI Definitions: Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning vs. Cognitive Computing vs. Robotics vs. Strong AI….

May 30th, 2019 Comments Off on AI Definitions: Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning vs. Cognitive Computing vs. Robotics vs. Strong AI….
AI comes in many forms, each at its own stage of development with its own definition, techniques and capabilities. Some forms – such as Artificial General Intelligence, AI super-intelligence or Strong AI, the kind of AI that might someday ...

Coping with Higher Hyperscale Rack-Power Density

May 29th, 2019 Comments Off on Coping with Higher Hyperscale Rack-Power Density
According to the Cisco Global Cloud Index 2015-2020/Synergy Research, by 2020, 47 percent of all servers sold are expected to go to hyperscalers, which deploy distributed computing environments ranging up to tens of thousands of servers. For legacy hardware ...

Nvidia EGX Pushes Real-Time AI to the Edge

May 28th, 2019 Comments Off on Nvidia EGX Pushes Real-Time AI to the Edge
Nvidia is putting a combination of its GPU processors and AI software stack out at the edge within a scalable compute platform designed to enable low latency edge AI “to perceive, understand and act in real time on continuous ...

Machine Learning and Supercomputing Ferret out Phishing

May 23rd, 2019 Comments Off on Machine Learning and Supercomputing Ferret out Phishing
The relentless ingenuity driving cyber hacking is a global engine that knows no rest. Anyone with a laptop, some programming skills and a mother’s basement can buy or rent a phishing kit and start attacking – or it can ...

Cray – and the Cray Brand – to Be Positioned at Tip of HPE’s HPC/AI Spear

May 22nd, 2019 (2)
More so than with most acquisitions of this kind, HPE’s purchase of Cray for $1.3 billion, announced last week, seems to have elements of that overused, often abused term: transparency. Another surprise: HPE apparently isn’t paying the usual lip ...
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