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Author Archives: Doug Black

Doug Black

Service Desks and the Approaching AI Tipping Point

March 3rd, 2020 Comments Off on Service Desks and the Approaching AI Tipping Point
New versions of service management software are getting an AI boost. But while customers and end users expect companies to retain their hardware, software and access configurations and requirements, they also still want one-on-one service from analysts. AI allows ...

Arm-based AI Inference Edge Server Takes on GPU Price/Performance

February 28th, 2020 Comments Off on Arm-based AI Inference Edge Server Takes on GPU Price/Performance
Edge computing specialist SolidRun and ASIC solutions company Gyrfalcon Technology this week announced an Arm-based AI inference edge server that the companies say outperforms GPU performance for less cost and power consumption. The server, called the Janux GS31, can ...

In Wake of Habana Acquisition, Intel AI Leader Naveen Rao Departs

February 28th, 2020 Comments Off on In Wake of Habana Acquisition, Intel AI Leader Naveen Rao Departs
In another change to Intel’s senior management team, Naveen Rao, Intel’s AI leader who came to the company in the $350 million acquisition of Nervana in 2016, has announced he is leaving the company. The news is not surprising ...

Google Nation: $10B for Office, Data Center Expansion in 11 States

February 27th, 2020 Comments Off on Google Nation: $10B for Office, Data Center Expansion in 11 States
Google disclosed in a blog it will invest $10 billion in office and data center expansion around the U.S. this year, generating thousands of new jobs in the process. This follows an investment of $13 billion in its national ...

AI Is Eating Software Development: Automation for Overburdened Programmers

February 25th, 2020 Comments Off on AI Is Eating Software Development: Automation for Overburdened Programmers
Software is eating the world*, but now, AI is eating software development, augmenting the work of chronically understaffed programming teams, allowing developers to focus on higher-level tasks and less on scut work. And it’s only in its infancy. In ...

Intel Updates 2nd Gen Xeon Scalable Chips and 5G Network Portfolio Products

February 24th, 2020 Comments Off on Intel Updates 2nd Gen Xeon Scalable Chips and 5G Network Portfolio Products
Intel this morning announced an 18-SKU update to its second-generation Xeon Scalable chip lineup for data center workloads, stating that the refreshed Gold processor delivers an average of 1.36-times higher performance and 1.42-times better performance-per-dollar compared with the first ...

How the Citizen Developer Will Save Us from the AI/ML Developer Shortage

February 21st, 2020 Comments Off on How the Citizen Developer Will Save Us from the AI/ML Developer Shortage
A developer shortage is heading for the workforce and it will hit hard. According to Forrester, the U.S. will experience a deficit of 500,000 developers by 2024. Across all industries and global markets, the demand for software is growing ...

Dell at the Edge: Servers, Data Centers and Software for Deployment Anywhere

February 20th, 2020 Comments Off on Dell at the Edge: Servers, Data Centers and Software for Deployment Anywhere
Dell Technologies launched servers, a modular data center, telemetry management and streaming analytics software this week designed for the growing volumes of enterprise-generated data created and processed outside of data centers and the cloud – at the edge. Dell ...

Cloud Convergence for IBM Power9 and SAP HANA

February 19th, 2020 Comments Off on Cloud Convergence for IBM Power9 and SAP HANA
Hoping for a marriage made in cloud heaven, IBM announced this morning that SAP now offers certified access to IBM Power9 servers in SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud (HEC) data centers, enabling users to run big data analytics in-memory database ...

The Problem with Microservices: ‘Deep Systems’

February 18th, 2020 Comments Off on The Problem with Microservices: ‘Deep Systems’
The move away from monoliths and toward new tools and processes, such as cloud, microservices and Kubernetes, has changed the IT game. IT processes today are far more agile than they were a few years ago, and that means ...
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