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Author Archives: Doug Black

Doug Black

Factors to Consider When Moving to a Hyper-Converged Enterprise Infrastructure

January 8th, 2016 Comments Off on Factors to Consider When Moving to a Hyper-Converged Enterprise Infrastructure
Chances are, if you’re reading this article, you’re one of the many IT leaders looking at how hyper-convergence can help you better manage your enterprise data center infrastructure. Hyper-convergence is catching on in organizations of all sizes and across ...

Penguin Computing Mines Computing Commodity Gold, Moves into the Enterprise

January 8th, 2016 Comments Off on Penguin Computing Mines Computing Commodity Gold, Moves into the Enterprise
We recently sat down with Fremont, Calif.-based Penguin Computing to learn about the Linux cluster specialist’s unique approach to the enterprise advanced scale computing, HPC and hyperscale markets, and how this privately owned company has managed to hold its ...

Towards Ubiquitous HPC — Passing HPC into the Hands of Every Engineer and Scientist

January 7th, 2016 Comments Off on Towards Ubiquitous HPC — Passing HPC into the Hands of Every Engineer and Scientist
Countless case studies demonstrate impressively the importance of HPC for engineering and scientific insight, product innovation, and market competitiveness. But so far HPC was mostly in the hands of a relatively small elite crowd, not easily accessible by the ...

Here’s What 6 Smart People Say Enterprise Technology Managers Should Pay Attention to in 2016

January 6th, 2016 Comments Off on Here’s What 6 Smart People Say Enterprise Technology Managers Should Pay Attention to in 2016
Want a prediction that’s a lock for this, and every, year?  The pace of innovation in advanced scale computing will accelerate. The spread of HPC into the commercial realm is bringing about profound technological change, much of that change ...

Microservices, Containers and Innovation Driven by the ‘Digital Dialectic’

December 22nd, 2015 Comments Off on Microservices, Containers and Innovation Driven by the ‘Digital Dialectic’
In April 1956 the SS Ideal X set sail from Newark carrying 58 large metal boxes then known as “Trailer Vans.” The Ideal X was a modified World War II-era T2 tanker, and became the initial member of the ...

As Data Analytics Workload Complexity Explodes, FPGAs May Find a Niche in Enterprise Clusters

December 17th, 2015 Comments Off on As Data Analytics Workload Complexity Explodes, FPGAs May Find a Niche in Enterprise Clusters
It’s the holiday season and out of the milling hordes of shoppers at a brick-and-mortar store, an individual consumer approaches the jewelry department. His cell phone is on, releasing data that’s picked up by the retailer’s consumer data analytics ...

New NVIDIA GPU Drives Launch of Facebook’s ‘Big Sur’ Deep Learning Platform

December 11th, 2015 (1)
Facebook continues to pour internet-scale money into Deep Learning and AI, announcing its new “Big Sur” computing platform designed to double the speed for training neural networks of twice the size. NVIDIA’s new Tesla M40 GPU, introduced last month, ...

GPU-Accelerated Deep Neural Nets Look for Cures that Already Exist

December 9th, 2015 Comments Off on GPU-Accelerated Deep Neural Nets Look for Cures that Already Exist
Discovering cures for cancer, for Alzheimer's, for multiple sclerosis, for Parkinson’s, for the halting and reversing of aging itself, may not require the development of new drugs. It may mean discovering properties and therapies in drugs already developed and ...

Migrating Toward Advanced Scale Computing: Overcoming Paralysis

December 4th, 2015 Comments Off on Migrating Toward Advanced Scale Computing: Overcoming Paralysis
If it’s true that only 10 percent of U.S. manufacturers have adopted advanced scale computing, it’s also true that 100 percent of the C-suite members of those companies are aware that HPC technology can deliver significance product design competitive ...

Advanced Scale Computing in the Public Cloud: It’s Exploding, for the Right Workloads

December 2nd, 2015 Comments Off on Advanced Scale Computing in the Public Cloud: It’s Exploding, for the Right Workloads
One of the most significant takeaways from SC15 last month was issued by industry watcher IDC: HPC in the cloud is exploding. More than 25 percent of the hundreds of organizations surveyed by IDC use the cloud, a jump ...
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