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Author Archives: Nicole Hemsoth

Nicole Hemsoth

Honda Speeds Past On-Site Clusters for Critical R&D

November 27th, 2014 (1)
When one thinks of Honda Motor Company, the first image that comes to mind are likely of the automobiles, which wouldn’t be unnatural given that the company is a top five auto manufacturer in the U.S. and at the ...

Local Motors and ORNL Partner for Automotive Manufacturing

January 24th, 2014 Comments Off on Local Motors and ORNL Partner for Automotive Manufacturing
<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="95" height="71" border="0" />Local Motors, a vehicle innovator, and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have announced a new partnership that they hope will bring change to the automotive industry.

Titan Puts a New Spin on GE’s Wind Turbine Research

January 24th, 2014 Comments Off on Titan Puts a New Spin on GE’s Wind Turbine Research
Unlike traditional energy sources, wind is a trouble to tame, which has led GE to turn to advanced simulations at Oak Ridge National Laboratory to put the technology on track to cover 12 percent of the world's energy production.

Robots Showcase Skills at DRC

January 22nd, 2014 Comments Off on Robots Showcase Skills at DRC
A month ago, the DARPA Robotics Challenge Trials (DRC) commenced. The main goal of the event was to aid in the development of robots that will someday respond to natural or even man-made disasters. At this year’s DRC, prototype ...

Engineers Develop Microwindmills to Power Electronics

January 17th, 2014 Comments Off on Engineers Develop Microwindmills to Power Electronics
Engineers at the University of Texas at Arlington have developed a new technology that could come in handy when electronic devices run out of power. Their idea stems from a source of power generation that we are all familiar ...

Obama Brings Electronics Manufacturing Hub to NC

January 15th, 2014 Comments Off on Obama Brings Electronics Manufacturing Hub to NC
During today’s visit to Raleigh, North Carolina, President Obama came to North Carolina State University to announce the next manufacturing innovation institute. The “Next Generation Power Electronics Innovation Institute” will bring together six universities and 18 private-sector companies throughout ...

Nike 3D Prints Super Bowl Cleat

January 15th, 2014 Comments Off on Nike 3D Prints Super Bowl Cleat
With the NFL playoffs drawing to a close, the four final teams are willing to do whatever it takes to defeat their opponent and make it to the Super Bowl. While the players on these teams are some of ...

Autonomous Vehicles to Utilize NVIDIA’s Tegra K1

January 9th, 2014 Comments Off on Autonomous Vehicles to Utilize NVIDIA’s Tegra K1
At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) taking place in Las Vegas, Nevada, NVIDIA announced that it’s Tegra K1 mobile processor will be used in autonomous cars of the future. Currently being utilized by the world’s top ten energy-efficient computers, the ...

Engineers Look to Supercomputing to Find Platinum 2.0

January 8th, 2014 Comments Off on Engineers Look to Supercomputing to Find Platinum 2.0
As a part of President Obama's Material's Genome Initiative, many researchers have set their sights on developing materials the likes of which we've never seen. But engineers at Duke University are using supercomputers to back a materials project that ...

New-Age Spacesuit Developed for Mars Exploration

January 7th, 2014 Comments Off on New-Age Spacesuit Developed for Mars Exploration
From box-office hits to television gold like Star Trek, the actors in these films and shows have donned eye-opening spacesuits. The fashion predictions have been entirely off thus far and none have managed to predict what Dava Newman is currently ...
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