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Author Archives: Timothy Prickett Morgan

Timothy Prickett Morgan

Hadoop Finds Its Place In The Enterprise

October 29th, 2014 (1)
The echoes of the blitzkrieg of product announcements at the Strata + Hadoop World conference in New York are fading. Now is a good time to step back and give an assessment of the role that the Hadoop platform ...

Network Filers Take To The Clouds

October 29th, 2014 Comments Off on Network Filers Take To The Clouds
Most disk storage arrays are based on commodity hardware these days. Generally speaking, they use Xeon processors from Intel as their controller brains, they use normal main memory as a read cache, and maybe some kind of nonvolatile memory ...

Inside IBM’s “Hollow Core”

October 28th, 2014 (5)
Like any other seller of processors and systems in the datacenter, IBM is in an uphill battle with Intel, whose Xeon processors have become the de facto standard in the glass house for everything except legacy workloads that are ...

Pure Storage Hints At Hyperconverged Future

October 27th, 2014 Comments Off on Pure Storage Hints At Hyperconverged Future
All-flash storage array maker Pure Storage has been very clear that it is not interested in going backwards and delivering hybrid arrays that mix disk drives and flash memory, as many incumbent disk array makers are doing. But the ...

Big Three Linuxes Refreshed Now That SLES 12 Enters The Field

October 27th, 2014 Comments Off on Big Three Linuxes Refreshed Now That SLES 12 Enters The Field
In the early days of Linux, the software years were like dog years in that they packed a lot of change and growth into a relatively small amount of time. Linux has long since matured into a modern software ...

Moonshot Scale Leveraged For Transcoding, Web Infrastructure

October 23rd, 2014 (1)
Hewlett-Packard is ramping up its Moonshot hyperscale systems with a set of new server nodes and specific workloads in the enterprise that it has tuned up for the hardware. Significantly, HP is shipping its first Xeon-based server cartridge for ...

Latest Ubuntu Server Packaged With Hyperscale Goodies

October 23rd, 2014 (1)
It is October, and that is how you know it is time for various Linuxes and the OpenStack cloud controller to get their semi-annual updates of shiny new code. In the case of Canonical's Ubuntu Server 14.10, the core ...

ARM Brings More Cores To The Datacenter War

October 22nd, 2014 (2)
Back in May, ARM Holdings, the chip design and licensing company behind the ARM processor collective that underpins smartphones, tablets, and other consumer devices, and that is assaulting the hegemony of the X86 processor in the datacenter, hinted that ...

Database Hotshots Build Warehouse From Scratch For The Cloud

October 21st, 2014 Comments Off on Database Hotshots Build Warehouse From Scratch For The Cloud
It may seem that the last thing the world needs is another database or data store, but a new stealthy startup founded by a team of database and analytics experts that hail from Oracle, Teradata, Actian, Cloudera, Microsoft, and ...

September Sales Slowdown Hits Big Blue

October 20th, 2014 Comments Off on September Sales Slowdown Hits Big Blue
IBM has made no secret that it wants to shed unprofitable hardware units, and it no doubt wishes it had been able to do some divesting ahead of its third quarter this year. IBM hit some unexpected turbulence in ...
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