Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Friday, February 21, 2025

At ISC: DDN Launches EXA5 for AI, Big Data, HPC Workloads

DDN, for two decades competing at the headwaters of high performance storage, this morning announced an enterprise-oriented end-to-end high performance storage and data management for AI, big data and ...Full Article

Machine Learning Day Highlights ISC’s AI Lineup

ISC, the major European conference for advanced scale computing to be held next week at the Messe Frankfurt conference center, will feature an extensive lineup of presentations, birds-of-a-feather discussions ...Full Article

Deep Learning that Keeps Learning – Near-Time Training at the Edge

Deep learning is still a stick-figure emulation of human learning. DL can be trained up to have a supercharged IQ based on an astounding amount of information, enabling it ...Full Article

AI for Cloud Security Attracts Venture Funding

Vectra, the cloud security platform vendor, has raised an additional $100 million in its latest funding round led by TCV, an early investor in technology companies ranging Facebook to ...Full Article

Digital Transformation: AI, RPA and DPA

 Many businesses today seek to transform their operations using digital technology and automation. After years of encouragement from experts to migrate to the cloud, to automate processes and to ...Full Article

AI Pitfalls and the Hidden Value of the ‘Citizen Data Scientist’

Buzzy new technologies are commonly perceived, at least for a while, as panaceas. When Big Data emerged some years ago, Hadoop hype was rampant. Addison Snell, CEO of industry ...Full Article

PayPal Feeds the DL Beast with Vault of Fraud Data

PayPal is no stranger to fraud. As one of the Internet’s first online payment services, PayPal has been exposed to every type of wire fraud imaginable (and some beyond ...Full Article

Making SQL Servers Resilient in the Cloud

In IT, failure is not only an option, it’s inevitable. And in an era when businesses depend on big data, high-performance data analytics (HPDA), machine learning and AI applications ...Full Article

Air Force, MIT Collaborate on AI Research

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is working with the U.S. Air Force to develop new AI technologies with potential dual-use applications. The Air Force plans to invest about $15 ...Full Article

VC Investment in AI Slows, But Don’t Expect Another AI Winter Just Yet

AI firms attracted a record $9.33 billion in investments from venture capital firms in 2018, nearly a 10 percent increase from 2017. So far this year, AI funding has ...Full Article
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