ML and Hybrid Cloud Security: ‘4 P’s’ Predictions
Enterprises are data-rich and insight-poor as it relates to security for multi-cloud, hybrid infrastructure. Machine learning approaches are relatively well-established for email security, data loss prevention and malware detection. ...Full Article
Intel Builds AI Use Cases for Optane Persistent Memory
Intel offered a list of use cases for its Optane DC persistent memory technology during a company event this week, including Twitter’s effort to scale its Hadoop clusters using ...Full Article
Ethical Dispute Ends Google’s AI Ethics Panel
An ethical debate over membership on Google’s AI ethics advisory board has shut down the controversial panel before it ever convened. Google also lost a top AI researcher to ...Full Article
Intel Launches Cascade Lake Xeons — Up to 56 Cores
At Intel's Data-Centric Innovation Day in San Francisco (April 2), the company unveiled its second-generation Xeon Scalable (Cascade Lake) family and debuted its Optane persistent memory module, along with ...Full Article
Google Cloud Unveils Roadmap for Intel Optane
Intel’s drive to solidify its stranglehold on the datacenter via its Optane DC persistent memory architecture was on full display this week during the chip maker’s “data-centric” event. Navin ...Full Article
Systems Vendors Refresh Product Lines as Intel Launches New Xeon, Optane Server Technologies
Five of the biggest systems vendors – Dell EMC, Lenovo, Supermicro, Cisco and Cray – in concert with Intel’s launch this morning of its second-generation Xeon Scalable processors (Cascade ...Full Article
As AI Begets IA, Whither Tomorrow’s Workers?
Deep thinkers pondering the role of automation in the workplace are defining a new domain of appropriate—and controllable—technologies under the rubric of “intelligent automation” that promises to handle rote ...Full Article
10 Ways AI Affects HPC in 2019
AI workloads are becoming ubiquitous, including running on the world’s fastest computers — thereby changing what we call HPC forever. As every organization plans for the future, AI workloads are ...Full Article
Digital Transformation via Modernization: Avoid Rip-and-Replace Disruption
Many believe that 2019 will be a watershed year for digital transformation. There are practical objectives and operational challenges that are forcing executives to rethink previous IT strategies. The ...Full Article
MIT Researchers Look to Speed Neural Net Design
The design of a neural network architecture remains a daunting problem, requiring human expertise and lots of computing resources. The soaring computational requirements of neural architecture search (NAS) algorithms ...Full Article