Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Microsoft Experimental Data Center To Use Biogas Fuel From Nearby Waste Water Treatment Plant

<p><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">Microsoft wants to let you know that it's trying to eliminate carbon emissions from its data centers. To that end, it has revealed ...Full Article

How To Win The Green500

With contenders like Cray XK7-based Titan and Todi, and several IBM BlueGene/Q systems vying for the most energy-efficient supercomputers, it may be surprising that a relatively small, experimental system ...Full Article

Saving Money at 40 Degrees C.

<p><span style="color: #000000;">Green Grid board members John Pflueger and Timothy Dueck give their perspective on running data centers at warmer temperatures. If green isn't your motivation, think about soaring ...Full Article

Volkswagen AG Computing Center Wins Energy Efficiency Award

Site hosting IT apps for 51,000 Audi employees gets recognition for energy efficiency from TUV Rheinland inspection authority for energy efficiency. It reduces CO2 emissions by 9,000 metric tons annually ...Full Article

How Cool Is Your Data Center?

The Green Grid reviewed ASHRAE data to find out if the temperature ratings for servers hold up. It's time to stop worrying about punch cards and turn up the ...Full Article

An ExaFlop Under 20 Megawatts by 2019? Not Likely

Despite improvements in energy efficiency, new generations of computers seem to always use more power than the previous ones. Reaching power efficiencies that will allow exascale computing requires ore ...Full Article

Facebook Challenges Students To Build a Biodegradable Server Chassis

Facebook's Open Compute Project provides a way for open source advocates to help create sustainable technology. Now it has teamed up with Purdue University's College of Technology to create ...Full Article

Uptime Institute Surveys Member Data Center Energy Practices

<span style="font-size: small;">Over half of companies say that saving energy in in their datacenters is “very important” to them. Only four percent say it's not important. But most of ...Full Article

The ‘Greenest Data Center In The World’?

Syracuse Univeristy hopes its trigeneration, micro-turbine, absorption chiller data center will inspire others to get sustainable. Built with assistance from IBM and the New York State Energy Research and ...Full Article

How Google Cools Its Data Centers

Most companies may try to justify energy-efficient data centers with ROI, but Google just likes keeping its environmental footprint as small as possible. It does that with a lot ...Full Article
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