Where to Expect Enterprise AI Growth in 2021: More Predictions from Our AI Experts
So many industry predictions for how AI use in business will change and grow in 2021 have come in to EnterpriseAI that we didn’t have room to share them ...Full Article
New Open AI Energy Initiative Launches to Expand AI Use in Energy Industry
Shell, C3.ai, Microsoft and Baker Hughes are collaborating on an Open AI Energy Initiative (OAI) that aims to grow AI use across the energy and process manufacturing industries. The ...Full Article
What Bezos Leaving as CEO Means for Amazon and AWS
As Jeff Bezos prepares to give up Amazon’s CEO seat to become the company’s executive chair in the third quarter of 2021, the big question now being asked is ...Full Article
AI Virtualization and Orchestration Startup Run:AI Captures $30M in Series B Funding
Upstart AI vendor Run:AI dove into AI by creating Kubernetes-based software to help customers get more production out of their existing AI infrastructure investments. Run:AI’s software is an orchestration ...Full Article
U.S. Leads World in AI, But Here Comes China
The United States is maintaining its early lead over China and the European Union in development and application of artificial intelligence technology, according to a new report from the ...Full Article
Open Source Luminary Tapped By Incoming Biden-Harris White House for Tech Post
Open source software leader David Recordon, who built Facebook’s first open source programs team and has long been involved in a wide range of open source community projects, has ...Full Article
AI to Transform Healthcare of the Future in the Shadow of COVID-19
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the growing emergence and use of AI in healthcare is one of the most important trends that is helping already-overburdened doctors, nurses, hospitals and ...Full Article
VMware and Nutanix Battle It Out Over New Executive Hiring
When hyperconverged infrastructure vendor Nutanix announced the hiring of Rajiv Ramaswami as its new CEO on Dec. 9, the company had found a successor to company co-founder and CEO ...Full Article
Don’t Be Too Quick Trusting That 2020 Data in Your 2021 IT Planning
As companies approach their 2021 business planning after the current tumultuous, pandemic-decimated year, it might be a wise idea to use plenty of care when using 2020 business data ...Full Article
Honey I Shrunk the Model: Why Big Machine Learning Models Must Go Small
Bigger is not always better for machine learning. Yet, deep learning models and the datasets on which they’re trained keep expanding, as researchers race to outdo one another while ...Full Article