GIS Professionals to Fill Growing Role in Smart Grid Implementation
As we push to bring our power grid into the twenty-first century with sensors and analytics tools, geographic information systems (GIS) are filling a growing role in the industry. ...Full Article
EBay and Ellison Show Microgrids Gaining on Utilities
Originally the small-scale central power systems known as microgrids were merely a solution to mitigate blackouts, but with recent announcements that Oracle CEO Larry Ellison and eBay have adopted ...Full Article
An Introduction to Smart Grid Systems
Modernized electrical grids, or smart grids, are quickly moving from a futuristic notion to infrastructure we use every day. But as more utilities hop aboard the smart grid train, ...Full Article
Funneling Big Data through the Grid
As we push our power grid harder with every passing year, our grid’s infrastructure—its backbone—remains a relic of decades past, with many transformers dating back to the 1970’s. To ...Full Article
IBM Offers Weather Analytics for Wind and Solar
Hoping to improve the reliability of renewable energy resources and ultimately reduce carbon emissions, IBM is bringing its power and weather modeling technology to the energy sector. “The solution ...Full Article
Pantex Turns to Data Virtualization for Nuclear Security
Pantex Plant, the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) facility where nuclear weapons are dismantled or modified for the Department of Defense, has developed a new program designed to secure ...Full Article
Fracking: The Harbinger of a US Economic Golden Age
During this past election, the topic that continually arose was the economy. Now, faced with falling off the Fiscal Cliff, matters seem even bleaker. But according to Harvard history ...Full Article