Oracle Takes Gloves Off in JEDI Lawsuit
Large government contract awards invariably draw protests from losing bidders hoping to gum up the works and perhaps gain a piece of the action on appeal. The Defense Department’s ...Full Article
Study: AI’s Not Just in the Future of Work – it’s Big Now
Pundits trumpet AI as the future for U.S. employment, but new research indicates AI's prevalence on the job is already here. How do we know? Because workers told us. ...Full Article
Video and Rich Media: Overcoming Performance and Scale Hurdles
Video and rich media content is growing exponentially. Video now constitutes 50 percent of all data, and a rich media explosion is driving performance and capacity gains across countless ...Full Article
At SC18: Humanitarianism Amid Boom Times for HPC
At SC18 in Dallas, the feeling on the ground is forward-looking and buoyant. Like boom times that cycle through the Texas oil patch, the HPC industry is enjoying a ...Full Article
U.S. Chip Initiative Aims For ‘Moore’s (Law) Inflection’
It is telling that the keynote speaker at a major U.S. computer engineering conference represents the Department of Defense, which is pouring billions of R&D dollars into new chip ...Full Article
Kubernetes Packager Secures Cloud-Native Apps
An open source version of the Kubernetes cluster orchestrator is intended to package and deploy cloud-native applications to restricted, on-premise infrastructure such as government clouds. Gravitational, which was founded ...Full Article
DARPA Looks to Bring ‘Common Sense’ to AI
The Pentagon’s top research agency is focusing its considerable AI efforts on the interim stage of machine intelligence between “narrow” and “general” AI. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ...Full Article
HPC4Mfg: DOE Supercomputers to Be Used in 13 Manufacturing Projects
Dow, GE and 3M are among 12 companies awarded $3.8 million for 13 industrial research projects – ranging from gas turbine combustor optimization, to manufacturing solid-state lithium-ion batteries, to ...Full Article
‘Zero Trust’ Vendor Gains U.S. Cloud Approval
As mobile workers access more corporate data stored in the cloud, a secure network architecture called “Zero Trust” is emerging as a way of maintaining control of sensitive data ...Full Article
China’s AI Goals Remain ‘Aspirational’
China launched an aggressive AI strategy last year that “set a very ambitious goal for AI industry development in China between now and 2030,” according to Xiaomeng Lu, international public ...Full Article