Battlefield Surgeons Add Data to Trauma Kit
In hostile territory, even the most unsuspecting of circumstances can put service men and women in danger. But in addition to the combat helmets and armored vests, troops are ...Full Article
Boston Children’s Combats Strep Throat from Home with Big Data
A new health assessment that combines big data with patient symptoms, called a “home score,” may keep patients suffering from strep throat from having to take a trip to ...Full Article
Deloitte Spots Six Trends for Healthcare Data
As data volumes grow, so too does the term “smart,” which refers to tools that can more easily find a needle of meaning from a haystack. And as we ...Full Article
UK’s NHS Faces Scrutiny as Medical Data Goes Public
With the goal of going paperless by 2018, the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) has set its sights on an ambitious goal. But as means to that end is ...Full Article
SAS Examines States’ Healthcare with Claims Analytics
As we face the implementation of a new, reformed healthcare system, the ability to compare various plans has established itself as the movement’s backbone. However, the infrastructure thus far ...Full Article
SAP Chairman Sets Sights on Healthcare
To help his company run more efficiently, SAP chairman and co-founder Hasso Plattner has shifted his business to helping humans to run more efficiently as well. Plattner, who turns ...Full Article
NSF Mines Medical Records for Patient Care
Heng Huang, a computer scientist at UT Arlington, has been tasked with leading a National Science Foundation (NSF) project to mine medical records data to personalize patient care and ...Full Article
Data Curbs Healthcare Overtime to Cut Costs
Healthcare labor arguably fills up the industry’s largest division of funding, with some reports estimating that labor alone accounts for roughly 60 percent of operating budgets. But while labor ...Full Article
MD Anderson Teams up with Watson for “Moon Shots”
Today, the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and IBM have announced that Watson’s cognitive computing system will come to the facility to help put an end to ...Full Article
Watson Comes to Cleveland Clinic Patient Rooms
When IBM’s Watson made his debut on Jeopardy!, the supercomputer’s makers were quick to point out that while its knowledge of trivia may be impressive, the real impact will ...Full Article