Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Startup MemVerge Launches Memory-centric Mission

Memory situated at the center of the computing universe, replacing processing, has long been envisioned as instrumental to radically improved data center systems performance. Combined with accelerated processing (GPUs, ...Full Article

COVID Cabin Fever: Travel Uptick Detected as Curve Flattens

An analysis of smartphone location data since mid-March reveals an outbreak of what’s been described as COVID-induced “quarantine fatigue.” University of Maryland researchers studying how social distancing and shelter-in-place ...Full Article

Taiwan Is Open for Business: A COVID-19 Tech Template

Taiwan, tech-savvy and pandemic-prepared, has emerged as the gold standard for containing the spread of the novel coronavirus. Using hard lessons learned from previous epidemics, frequent earthquakes and other ...Full Article

Chemical Discovery for Industry, Medical with Carnegie Mellon’s Neural Network Tool

For industrial and medical companies, a central question in modern chemistry is how to identify and synthesize molecules to create useful applications. Even with high performance computing, the research ...Full Article

The DNA of AI Success: What It Looks Like and How to Get It

The AI journey starts with a single step, but too many companies take the wrong first step. The natural tendency is to begin with PoC projects at the departmental ...Full Article

Tom Siebel’s Unified AI-Big Data Front Against COVID-19

If AI is to help turn back the COVID-19 tide in a timeframe that saves lives and livelihoods, data scientists will need to build machine learning models fast and ...Full Article

Facial Coding vs. Facial Recognition – What’s the Difference?

 Machine learning and AI have revolutionized every industry—from media and marketing to manufacturing, medicine and finance. The ability for sophisticated, self-improving algorithms to sift through massive troves of data ...Full Article

Predictive AI Spots COVID-19 Patients with Life Threatening ‘Wet Lung’

As the rise in COVID-19 cases threatens to overwhelm healthcare facilities in areas hard hit by the coronavirus (including New York City, where the USNS Comfort, pictured below, has ...Full Article

Cash Prizes for COVID-19 AI Contest Testing Data Scientists’ NLP Smarts

Ten thousand dollars in prize money is available to data scientists with natural language processing expertise competing in a contest designed to help rid the world of coronavirus. Kaggle, ...Full Article

AI in the Fight to Detect and Cure Coronavirus

The COVID-19 coronavirus is rapidly spreading around the globe, threatening communities, alarming financial markets and, in many cases, forcing national epidemic response teams to quickly update and implement years-old ...Full Article
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