Nvidia on the Spot: Answering Autonomous Driving Ethical Questions
We’ve all heard the question: An autonomous car carrying an adult comes around a blind turn and detects a child in the middle of the road. To the left ...Full Article
Six Skills Separating Intelligent AI from Basic Automation
Managing the modern customer experience today means most businesses are implementing, or at least investigating, an automated, digital, workforce. Since coming to market almost a decade ago, RPA (robotic ...Full Article
Study: AI’s Not Just in the Future of Work – it’s Big Now
Pundits trumpet AI as the future for U.S. employment, but new research indicates AI's prevalence on the job is already here. How do we know? Because workers told us. ...Full Article
The Process Industry: 4 AI Questions to Ask before Implementation
Food processing, beverage production, chemical manufacturing, water treatment, and other verticals in the process industry know that performance monitoring of industrial assets and processes plays a critical role. It’s ...Full Article
At SC18: GM, Boeing, Deere, BP Talk Enterprise HPC Strategies
SC18 in Dallas (Nov.11-16) will feature an impressive series of sessions focused on the enterprise HPC deployments at some of the largest industrial companies: Boeing, P&G, John Deere, GM ...Full Article
AI Partnerships for Driverless Cars Gear Up
AI investments and deployment for driverless vehicles are speeding up, with another auto manufacturer partnering with a computer vision startup and an autonomous vehicle specialist deploying Nvidia’s Xavier platform. ...Full Article
Driverless Cars Generate Massive Amounts of Data. Are We Ready?
When future drivers tell their kids to “get in the car” they’ll be instructing them to climb into a mobile computer – that’s consuming very large, and growing, quantities ...Full Article
Oracle Offers Cloud GPU Simulation Service
Oracle and high-end simulation specialist Altair are expanding their partnership to offer computational fluid dynamics (CFD) services on the Oracle cloud. The HPC simulations would tap into GPU cloud ...Full Article
‘AI Camera’ Combines Machine Vision, Deep Learning
Is it any wonder there are cameras everywhere imaging nearly everything? One reason is chip scaling, with key components from semiconductor makers allowing equipment manufacturers to fabricate quarter-size cameras ...Full Article
Manufacturing Effort Focuses on Human-Machine Interface
The rush to automate manufacturing has revealed some unintended consequences as market pressures and assembly line realities underscore the fact that, sometimes, machines simply cannot replace humans when making ...Full Article