Fighting Financial Cybercrime: A Big Memory, Graph Analytics Strategy
Systems in the financial services industry generate multiple terabytes of data a day, a staggering volume to process in search of cyberthreats. Trovares, a high performance "property graph" analytics ...Full Article
Intel, Lenovo Join Forces on HPC Cluster
An HPC cluster with deep learning techniques will be used to process petabytes of scientific data as part of workload-intensive projects spanning astrophysics to genomics. AI partners Intel (NASDAQ: ...Full Article
ML Education: How Pearson Abstracted Away Rookie AI Headaches
In organizations that successfully embrace AI, going on gut feel is going the way of the dodo. So is the phrase: “because that’s the way we’ve always done it.” ...Full Article
Microsoft, Novartis Team on AI-based Therapies
Swiss pharmaceutical giant Novartis is teaming with Microsoft on a medical AI effort aimed at developing new data-driven techniques for drug discovery and development of specific therapies. The multi-year ...Full Article
DARPA Targets Network Bottlenecks
DARPA will seek to unclog the networking bottlenecks that are hindering wider use of powerful hardware in computing-intensive applications. The Pentagon research agency has unveiled another in a series ...Full Article
Advanced Technology on Wall Street – Rumors from the Trade Show Floor
New York is always an exciting, energetic city to visit and ... was made even more so as I attended the (recent) ‘HPC & AI on Wall Street’ conference, ...Full Article
Attacking the AI Trust Gap: ‘FICO-like’ Risk Scoring for Machine Learning Models
Implementing machine learning is a minefield and a slog. Even after IT managers put in place an accelerated computing infrastructure required for AI, after data scientists and business managers ...Full Article
Dell’s AMD-Powered Server Line Targets High-End Jobs
Dell Technologies rolled out redesigned servers this week based on AMD’s latest Epyc processor that are geared toward data-driven workloads running on increasingly popular multi-cloud platforms. Dell, which has ...Full Article
AWS, Bloomberg Go Global with Data Feed
Bloomberg, the financial data giant, is expanding its partnership with Amazon Web Services to extend private cloud access to its real-time market data feed to global customers. The partners ...Full Article
U.S. Non-Military AI Investments Near $1B
The White House projected this week that U.S. civilian research agencies will spend nearly $1 billion on AI research during the next fiscal year. The estimate was released by ...Full Article