Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Tuesday, January 7, 2025

SC 30th Anniversary Perennials: 19 (and 9) Who Stayed, 1988-2018

Many conferences try, fewer succeed. Thirty years ago, no one knew if the first SC would also be the last. Thirty years later, we know it’s the biggest annual ...Full Article

U.S. Chip Initiative Aims For ‘Moore’s (Law) Inflection’

It is telling that the keynote speaker at a major U.S. computer engineering conference represents the Department of Defense, which is pouring billions of R&D dollars into new chip ...Full Article

AI Partnerships for Driverless Cars Gear Up

AI investments and deployment for driverless vehicles are speeding up, with another auto manufacturer partnering with a computer vision startup and an autonomous vehicle specialist deploying Nvidia’s Xavier platform. ...Full Article

Kubernetes Packager Secures Cloud-Native Apps

An open source version of the Kubernetes cluster orchestrator is intended to package and deploy cloud-native applications to restricted, on-premise infrastructure such as government clouds. Gravitational, which was founded ...Full Article

NCSA Industry Conference Recap – Part 2

Industry Program Director Brendan McGinty welcomed guests to the annual National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) Industry Conference, Oct. 9-11 in Urbana, Illinois. One hundred eighty from 40 organizations ...Full Article

Inside a Colo Data Center that Keeps London’s Capital Markets Humming

London is the Olduvai Gorge of western capitalism. Under it lie layers of mercantile history, artifacts of trade left by the Celts, Britons, Romans, Vikings, Danes, Anglo-Saxons, Normans, Jews, ...Full Article

NSF Funds Cybersecurity, Trusted AI Research

The National Science Foundation will fund a broad range of cybersecurity, data privacy and network security research projects that includes a new Center for Trustworthy Machine Learning. NSF’s Secure ...Full Article

Driverless Cars Generate Massive Amounts of Data. Are We Ready?

When future drivers tell their kids to “get in the car” they’ll be instructing them to climb into a mobile computer – that’s consuming very large, and growing, quantities ...Full Article

Oracle Offers Cloud GPU Simulation Service

Oracle and high-end simulation specialist Altair are expanding their partnership to offer computational fluid dynamics (CFD) services on the Oracle cloud. The HPC simulations would tap into GPU cloud ...Full Article

DARPA Looks to Bring ‘Common Sense’ to AI

The Pentagon’s top research agency is focusing its considerable AI efforts on the interim stage of machine intelligence between “narrow” and “general” AI. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ...Full Article
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