See it Now: Streaming Analytics Visualization on Kafka
In traditional IT, data’s gathered up, stored and analyzed in batch. But in our new, digitally transformed world, we want everything converted to data and analyzed – including reality. ...Full Article
DHL Using AI to Overhaul Logistics
What do semi-autonomous truck platoons, chat-bots, and fraud detection cameras have in common? They’re all part of a big plan that DHL unveiled yesterday to remake itself with artificial ...Full Article
DARPA Scales Its Electronics Effort
The Pentagon’s top research agency is kicking off a multi-year effort to jumpstart U.S. electronics innovation with a July summit in Silicon Valley. The $1.5 billion Electronics Resurgence Initiative was ...Full Article
GDPR Seen Slowing AI Innovation
Pending European data privacy rules that also address “automated decision-making” are increasingly seen as having a broad impact on enterprise deployment of AI applications, prompting a U.S.-based group to ...Full Article
Bots: An Investment in Technology or People?
Fears about automation, its transformation of the workplace and effects on employment date back several decades. Fast forward to rapid recent advances in automation technologies, including AI, autonomous systems ...Full Article
Generating Electricity with Bladeless Wind Turbines – One Household at a Time
An innovative wind turbine design from a small company based in Madrid and Ávila, Spain, started with a radical idea derived from a 75-year old catastrophe. Engineer, inventor, and ...Full Article
Got GDPR Anxiety? Here Are 3 Must-Do’s
The tech community has been discussing European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as if it were a natural disaster, rather than a law. “Are you ready for GDPR?” ...Full Article
Ethics Moves Front and Center in AI Debate
The breakneck pace of machine intelligence development is prompting welcome assessments of the ethical implications of a technology that will have a profound effect on workers, consumers and most ...Full Article
3M Picks C3 IoT and Azure for AI / IoT Predictive Platform
C3 IoT continued its impressive record of customer wins with today’s announcement that the company has landed a multi-year contract with 3M (NYSE:MMM) to deliver AI-based applications, starting with ...Full Article
Nvidia Inception Awards: AI Start-ups Pushing Innovation
We have seen the future, it was on display at Nvidia’s GTC 2018 conference in San Jose this week, and if this stuff works*, man, the future will be ...Full Article