Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Thursday, March 13, 2025

Airlines Embracing AI Take Wing, AI Index Finds

Stock prices of airline companies – starting with Southwest and Hawaiian airlines – that have embraced AI look like the flight path of a plane just after take-off: steady ...Full Article

Early Blockchain Rollouts Expose Interoperability Issues

Blockchain technology is making inroads in the enterprise, especially among banks and financial services firms handling heavy transaction volumes that require the back-and-forth of much transmitted payment information. While ...Full Article

‘Neural’ Network Fabric Boosts Server Links

As network bottlenecks mount in datacenters—a hurdle that will only get worse with the deployment of business analytics using machine learning—there is a growing need for networking solutions that ...Full Article

The New World of Healthcare Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is having a profound impact on our society. According to IDC, the economic value of digital transformation is already more than 20 percent of global GDP. And ...Full Article

Survey Sees Major Middleware Overhaul

Among the implications of the enterprise migration to the cloud is a predicted overhaul of middleware platforms over the next several years as the integration of business applications drives ...Full Article

Pentagon Awards Huge Cloud Contract

Few federal agencies have more stringent security requirements for cloud deployment than the Defense Department, which has been fighting an uphill battle to move more sensitive workloads to the ...Full Article

ISC Deep Learning Day: New Computing & Algorithmic Paradigms for Industry and Science

Deep Learning Day, an all-day series of sessions at ISC this week in Frankfurt, looks to offer some of the conference’s most compelling discussions for the excellent reason that ...Full Article

Sidra Medical Center’s Genome Program to Support National Personalized Healthcare Therapies in Qatar

Billed as one of the largest national genome medical research projects in the world, Sidra Medical and Research Center in the Persian Gulf state of Qatar, in partnership with ...Full Article

Quantum-Safe Blockchain Claim by Russian Researchers Met with Skepticism

The Russian Quantum Center today announced it has overcome the threat of quantum cryptography by creating the first quantum-safe blockchain, securing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, along with classified government communications ...Full Article

Digital Psychometrics and its Discontents: Online Footprints for Psychological Analytics

Occasionally we hear about predictive data modeling aimed at gaining psychological insight that at first blush seems – even to tech sophisticates who pooh-pooh AI alarmism – like a ...Full Article
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