Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Thursday, March 13, 2025

DOE’s HPC4Mfg Leads to Paper Manufacturing Improvement

Papermaking ranks third behind only petroleum refining and chemical production in terms of energy consumption. Recently, simulations made possible by the U.S. Department of Energy's HPC4Mfg program helped a ...Full Article

What’s Up with Hyperion as It Transitions From IDC?

If you’re wondering what’s happening with Hyperion Research – formerly the IDC HPC group – apparently you are not alone, says Steve Conway, now senior VP of Research, Hyperion. ...Full Article

GOAI Publishes Python Data Frame for GPU Analytics

A group of data analytics vendors joined forces today at the GPU Technology Conference to create the GPU Open Analytics Initiative (GOAI) with the goal of fostering the development ...Full Article

Blockchain Breaks into Enterprise Finance

Today, enterprise finance professionals are looking to blockchain as the next key disruptor in payments technology, making headlines for its benefits in eliminating redundancies in cost reconciliation and closing ...Full Article

Speed Fix for Wall Street: Tick-to-Trade Half-life Cut in Half

Wall Street speed addicts just got another fix. A triumvirate of companies, combining advanced NICs and algorithms powered by FPGAs, has announced it has cut the “tick-to-trade” life cycle ...Full Article

Digital Platform for Health Care Industry Coming from Partners and Persistent

Partners HealthCare and Persistent Systems have announced a collaboration that has the earmarks of a shared-resource industry cloud (aka, vertical cloud) – what the companies describe as an industry-wide ...Full Article

Watson Deal Targets Industrial Apps

Artificial intelligence will hit the factory floor and the smart grid as an automation specialist joins forces with IBM Watson to being real-time decision-making to those and other industrial ...Full Article

Future View of HPC on Wall Street: Machine-Time Analytics

We’ve all heard futuristic debates about artificial intelligence that are, by turn, alarming or optimistic. One side portrays a dystopian, tech-noir world where machines have grown so smart and ...Full Article

Collaborative Cloud under Development for Manufacturers in Europe

Calling itself the first collaborative cloud-based platform for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the manufacturing industry, the Cloud Collaborative Manufacturing Networks (C2NET) consortium was announced today in Europe. ...Full Article

Autonomous Cars: Google No. 1, Toyota Sees Carbon-free Future, Memory a Speed Bump?

With billions of dollars at stake in the car market of the future, technology and auto companies are aggressively jockeying for position to deliver self-driving vehicles that could, ultimately, ...Full Article
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