Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Latest Ubuntu Server Packaged With Hyperscale Goodies

It is October, and that is how you know it is time for various Linuxes and the OpenStack cloud controller to get their semi-annual updates of shiny new code. ...Full Article

Why Hadoop Is The New Backbone Of American Express

American Express has to do a lot more than just offer credit cards and a network so merchants can accept them for payment for goods and services. While several ...Full Article

The Myth Of The Green Datacenter

Here's the reality when it comes to datacenter energy consumption: If the cloud industry were a country, according to a recent study, it would be the fifth largest energy ...Full Article

Uncle Sam Struggles With Datacenter, Cloud Efforts

The federal government, in its wisdom, has been trying to consolidate its hodgepodge network of datacenters. The goal is to gain efficiencies in the government operations and, more importantly, ...Full Article

So You Want To Be A Financial Services HPC Programmer?

Financial services companies care about three things: Money, security, and programming on the fastest systems they can afford. You can't be a competitive bank, brokerage, trader, or hedge fund ...Full Article

‘Use-or-Lose’ Budgeting Fuels U.S. IT Failures

It's the end of the federal government's fiscal year, and that means government agencies will go on a use-it-or-lose-it spending spree before midnight on Sept. 30. Much of that ...Full Article

Banks Want Infrastructure That Is As Smart As Applications

Only a few years ago, if you went to the HPC On Wall Street conference in New York, all of the talk was about low latency and high performance. ...Full Article

Navy Looks To Float ‘Tactical Cloud’

As government agencies edge closer to cloud adoption, one of the military services is attempting to take a more proactive approach to leveraging cloud technology to deliver tactical applications ...Full Article

Datacenter Revamps Cut Energy Costs At CenturyLink

It is probably telling that these days datacenter managers think of the infrastructure under their care more in terms of the juice it burns and not by counting the ...Full Article

How Microsoft Is Using FPGAs To Speed Up Bing Search

Microsoft has dug in for a long and perhaps uphill battle with search engine juggernaut Google, which has three times the reach in search. That means Microsoft has to ...Full Article
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