Intel: “Stop Storing Everything”
The Internet of Things (IoT) isn’t just coming to a factory near you; soon, tech leaders like GE and Intel hope to see connected devices used across industries and ...Full Article
Boston Children’s Combats Strep Throat from Home with Big Data
A new health assessment that combines big data with patient symptoms, called a “home score,” may keep patients suffering from strep throat from having to take a trip to ...Full Article
Internet of Things Drives Manufacturing Change
Soon, the Internet of Things could redefine manufacturing to the point where products can alert operators to upcoming failures before there’s so much as a blip in the assembly ...Full Article
Mechdyne to Add 3D Visualization Lab at CCAM
<img style="float: left;" src="http://media2.hpcwire.com/dmr/images-12.jpeg" alt="" width="95" height="27" border="0" />This past Wednesday, the Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CCAM), a research center that provides advanced manufacturing solutions to member companies ...Full Article
Dynamic Pricing: Here to Stay?
Electronic displays are everywhere, from billboards to airport flight directories. Despite their cost, these displays are ideal for situations when their content frequently needs to be changed. So why ...Full Article
Manufacturers Gather to Make a Stand on Capitol Hill
<img style="float: left;" src="http://media2.hpcwire.com/dmr/Obama_Health_Care_Speech_to_Joint_Session_of_Congress.jpg" alt="" width="95" height="63" border="0" />A coalition of 23 United States manufacturers, including prominent names such as Lockheed Martin and Boeing, have come together to support ...Full Article
Deloitte Spots Six Trends for Healthcare Data
As data volumes grow, so too does the term “smart,” which refers to tools that can more easily find a needle of meaning from a haystack. And as we ...Full Article
UK’s NHS Faces Scrutiny as Medical Data Goes Public
With the goal of going paperless by 2018, the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) has set its sights on an ambitious goal. But as means to that end is ...Full Article
Adobe Branches Out for Retail Analytics
For most consumers, the name Adobe means one of two things: it’s either the program you use for editing photos, or the program you use for reading PDFs. But ...Full Article