Ford Seeks Out More Data for Green Push
To unearth rare elements such as lithium and platinum, auto manufacturer Ford is turning to data. Currently, Ford’s analytics tools are being used to keep a secure supply of ...Full Article
United Slices through the Skies with Split-Scimitar Winglet
<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="95" height="64" border="0" />As the first airline to implement the eye-catching “split scimitar” winglets, United Airlines is turning heads this week as the testing ...Full Article
BP Poll Finds Data Challenge Waiting in the Digital Oilfield
According to a poll taken today at the SPE Intelligent Energy International 2013 (IE2013) exhibition in Dubai, oil and gas professionals have unanimously identified the management and analysis of ...Full Article
SAP Chairman Sets Sights on Healthcare
To help his company run more efficiently, SAP chairman and co-founder Hasso Plattner has shifted his business to helping humans to run more efficiently as well. Plattner, who turns ...Full Article
Smartphone Role Falls Short of Retail Hopes
Although retailers have a lot to look forward to in near field communication-enabled (NFC) smartphones, which are slated to give the sector a boost by delivering consumer data while ...Full Article
Automotive Recalls Shrink as Data Mining Expands
When a mechanic takes a look under the hood only to find that a part was incorrectly manufactured, automakers have a number of choices. In the past, the company ...Full Article
Direct Digital Manufacturing Continues to Gain Steam
<img style="float: left;" src="" alt="" width="95" height="42" border="0" />Synonymous with the more commonly known term, additive manufacturing, direct digital manufacturing (DDM) is becoming an option for manufacturers that need ...Full Article
Will Apple’s iBeacon Spell the End of NFC?
Already retailers have tapped into the bluetooth and WiFi capabilities of many smartphones to learn more about shoppers’ behavior as they travel through stores and shopping malls. But with ...Full Article
F1 Accelerates in the Industrial Internet Race
Not only does Formula One racing represent the cutting edge of motorsports, but it has also become a test track for innovations that may one day come to your ...Full Article