Toyota to Release Autonomous Vehicles by Mid-2010s
<img style="float: left;" src="http://media2.hpcwire.com/dmr/Toyota_Advanced_safety_vehicle_610x457.jpg" alt="" width="95" height="71" border="0" />Relaxing in a vehicle while it drives itself has been a dream for many, but the question over their expected debut ...Full Article
An Introduction to Smart Grid Systems
Modernized electrical grids, or smart grids, are quickly moving from a futuristic notion to infrastructure we use every day. But as more utilities hop aboard the smart grid train, ...Full Article
Strata Rx Conference Talks Big Data for Healthcare
At this year’s O’Reilly Strata Rx Data Makes a Difference Conference in Boston, experts discussed the three “V”s of big data: velocity, volume and variety, and how they’re being ...Full Article
Top Design Trends Behind the Industrial Internet
Although tech companies have been slow to deliver us to the interconnected future that the Internet of Things has promised, where everything from our washer and dryer to industrial ...Full Article
Interoperability Still Hurdle for Healthcare IT
Healthcare providers are often blamed with slowing down the industry’s technological adoption by being sluggish in picking up the latest tools. But Linda M. Girgis, a physician with Girgis ...Full Article
Hiding Big Data in a Haystack
More and more, elderly patients whose vital signs must be monitored by physicians are able to stay home and send information about the condition to a physician over the ...Full Article
Funneling Big Data through the Grid
As we push our power grid harder with every passing year, our grid’s infrastructure—its backbone—remains a relic of decades past, with many transformers dating back to the 1970’s. To ...Full Article
Lucera Opens Door On High Frequency Trading Cloud
If you think supercomputing is challenging, you should try high frequency trading. High frequency trading and traditional supercomputing simulation have plenty in common, but there are big differences, too. ...Full Article
Drill Bit Manufacturer Digs Deep with 3D Printing
In his State of the Union Address this year, President Obama stood behind additive manufacturing and the role he believes it will play for the manufacturing industry, saying, “...3D ...Full Article
Ocean Cleanup Project Crowdsources for the Environment
<img style="float: left;" src="http://media2.hpcwire.com/dmr/OCP2.jpg" alt="" width="95" height="38" border="0" />With historic periods bearing names like “Bronze Age,” or “Iron Age,” one aerospace engineering student believes we have created what could ...Full Article