To Improve Cybersecurity, Fire Some CEOs
Despite the amazing number of cybersecurity breaches, so far the Target CEO appears to have been the only one to pay the price. While we hear some calls for ...Full Article
RAND Corp: Manage Security Like a Business
Organizations must figure out a better way to manage cybersecurity like a business, using metrics to determine the relative return on investment (RROI), and constantly evaluating the lifecycle and ...Full Article
Study: NSA Spying Fallout Extends Beyond Cloud
U.S. National Security Agency digital surveillance programs that were previously estimated to cost U.S. cloud vendors as much as $35 billion in sales by 2016 could "far exceed" that ...Full Article
How to Avoid Being a Hacker Victim
Following in the wake of the recently publicized attacks on government databases and systems, all CIOs and chief security officers should assume their own organizations could be next and ...Full Article
Federal State of Cyber Insecurity: New Day, New Breach?
When the United States government accused China of hacking the Office of Personnel Management and gaining access to the records of 4 million current and former federal employees, it ...Full Article
Booming Security Market Reflects Shift to Cloud
Seemingly nonstop reports of network security breaches—the latest one at the Internal Revenue Service—and heightened awareness about the need to button down corporate infrastructure appears to be reflected in ...Full Article
Social Engineering Targets Weakest Security Link: Employees
Without ongoing employee training, an enterprise's expensive security infrastructure investment means little. But very few corporations protect themselves from the growing threat of social engineering. Today only 7 percent ...Full Article
Wikileaks Posts Hacked Sony Files in Searchable Database
In a corporate nightmare turned reality, Wikileaks on Thursday posted a searchable database of all the Sony information hackers stole from the movie studio last year. "The Wikileaks Sony ...Full Article
Startup TruStar Platform Lets Enterprises Anonymously Share Security Breaches
Security startup TruStar Technology has launched a global platform for participating enterprises to anonymously share cybersecurity incidents. By collaborating without attribution, worry over legal issues, or concerns about damaging ...Full Article
Cloud Security: Separating Fact from Fiction
Information security is a perennial concern for the enterprise. Long before cloud computing came on the scene, maintaining the integrity of data and IT infrastructure was critical to success ...Full Article