How Facebook Autoscale Cuts Cluster Electric Bills
The reason why online retailer Amazon started its cloud computing unit was not just because it wanted to break into a business selling raw compute and storage capacity to ...Full Article
Facebook Datacenters Boosting Swedish Economy
Facebook says its first European datacenter in northern Sweden is generating jobs as well as conserving energy. The social media giant broke ground on the facility in Luleå, Sweden ...Full Article
Google Rethinks The Datacenter
With its vastly profitable search engine and advertising empire, it might seem that Google no longer has to worry about controlling capital expenditures. This is not the case. Google ...Full Article
Future Datacenters Will Divvy Up Computing, Storage
The datacenter ecosystem of the next decade is likely to resemble an expanded version of the hyperscale facilities currently being built out by today's Internet giants, cloud providers, and ...Full Article
Banks Eye Spare Datacenter Capacity
As more enterprises are opting to colocate their datacenters, a new player is emerging in the datacenter industry: the financial services sector. The financial services sector is becoming "more ...Full Article
Datacenter Spending Up, Energy Efforts Hitting Wall
A survey of the datacenter industry broken down into colocation and financial services along with a catch-all enterprise category found that the former are receiving budget increases while enterprise ...Full Article
Neural Nets Improve Google Datacenter Efficiency
Key attributes of the smart grid, namely adding intelligence to the networks that distribute power, are being applied by Google to the design and operation of power-hungry datacenters. The ...Full Article
Facebook Datacenters Fuel Oregon’s Economy
Facebook is taking a familiar tack among technology companies: It wants to move beyond the public perception that it is only a social media company to be seen as ...Full Article
HP Orchestrates Datacenters With OpenStack, Chef
An "orchestrated datacenter" rolled out by Hewlett-Packard aims to accelerate the design and deployment of applications, infrastructure and cloud-based services, the company said. The adoption of cloud computing and ...Full Article
HP Pitches Cost-Cutting Datacenter Facilities Service
HP is rolling out what it calls its Facility-as-a-Service datacenter approach that aims to provide an alternative means of sourcing datacenters by going beyond current colocation models. Besides giving ...Full Article