OpenShift Emerges as Focus of IBM Cloud Plans
The basis of IBM’s hybrid cloud strategy revolves around its assertion that about 80 percent of enterprise workloads have yet to migrate to the cloud. First articulated by ex-CEO ...Full Article
Liqid’s Off-the-Shelf AI Supercomputer Takes on DGX-2
This article has been updated, with information added on April 24 to the original version. Composable infrastructure specialist Liqid has taken on Nvidia’s DGX-2, the 2 petaFLOPS superstar of ...Full Article
IBM Flat Despite Cloud Gains, HPE Declares Dividend
In a financial earnings season like none before, two of the world’s largest enterprise IT infrastructure vendors appear headed in opposite directions. Hewlett Packard Enterprise (NYSE: HPE) declared a ...Full Article
WekaIO Launches DataOps AI Pipeline for Data-Starved GPUs
WekaIO, the high-performance file storage specialist, today launched Weka AI, a DataOps “storage solution framework” designed to cut friction in edge-core-cloud data AI pipelines. The company said the offering ...Full Article
China OK’s Nvidia Acquisition of Mellanox
With Chinese regulators issuing their approval, the final piece has fallen into place for Nvidia’s $6.9 billion acquisition of high performance interconnect provider Mellanox, announced in March 2019. The ...Full Article
Pandemic Uncertainty Clouds Chip Forecasts
Uncertainty over the duration and impact of COVID-19 on the global economy is prompting uncertain forecasts in key technology segments like semiconductors, a market that was already seeing steep ...Full Article
Zscaler Reconfigures with Cloudneeti Deal
Zscaler Inc., the cloud security specialist, has expanded its capabilities to fix infrastructure and other platform misconfigurations via its acquisition of Cloudneeti, a move that allows the buyer to ...Full Article
HCI Deployments Fuel Booming Software-Defined Storage Market
The sheer volume of unstructured data along with training and other data associated with AI and machine learning projects is fueling the shift by datacenters operators to software-defined storage ...Full Article
Army Deploys AI for Battlefield of Things
Deep neural networks are being mustered by U.S. military researchers to marshal new technology forces on the Internet of Battlefield Things. U.S. Army and industry researchers said this week ...Full Article
IoT Goes to Sea—Via Satellite
A planned satellite network designed to help cargo ships chart courses through new shipping lanes full of melting sea ice is scheduled for launch in 2022. The new research ...Full Article