How GPU-Powered Analytics Improves Mail Delivery for USPS
When the United States Postal Service (USPS) set out to buy a system that would allow it to track the location of employees, vehicles, and individual pieces of mail ...Full Article
Eyeing IoT Expansion, SoftBank Buys ARM
Chip intellectual property vendor ARM Ltd. is being acquired by Japanese technology conglomerate SoftBank Group in a bid to provide more of the semiconductor technology underlying future networks of ...Full Article
New Florida Chip R&D Center Targets Sensors
It's been a good month for advanced manufacturing research in the U.S. with an expansion of a government smart manufacturing effort followed this week by a new chip design ...Full Article
U.S. Leverages HPC, Analytics For Smart Manufacturing
A smart manufacturing initiative launched last month by the Obama administration would seek to jumpstart an early version of an industrial Internet of Things via networks of smart sensors ...Full Article
Tech M&As Decline Sharply in First Half
Technology mergers and acquisitions have hit the skids during the first half of this year after booming in 2015, according to a merger tracking firm. London-based Mergermarket said this ...Full Article
‘Brexit’ Currency Swings Hit IT Spending
The British exit, or "Brexit," from the European Union is adding uncertainty to global IT markets as the British pound sinks to new lows. Worldwide IT spending for this ...Full Article
IBM Joins Blockchain Push
The launch earlier this year of an open transaction initiative designed to develop industry standards for blockchain technology generated much interest and buzz. For example, the financial and technology ...Full Article
Intel Launches ‘Knights Landing’ Phi for Machine Learning, HPC
From ISC 2016 in Frankfurt, Germany, Intel Corp. launched the second-generation Xeon Phi product family, code-named Knights Landing, aimed at HPC and machine learning workloads. The company had been shipping ...Full Article
World’s First 1,000-Processor Chip Said to Show Promise Across Multiple Workloads
A blindingly fast microchip, the first to contain 1,000 independent processors and said to show promise for digital signal processing, video processing, encryption and datacenter/cloud workloads, has been announced ...Full Article
HPE Debuts Manufacturing Solution and New Advanced Scale Software Environment
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), now about eight months into its transition as a separate entity, retained the prestige of fielding the most systems of any vendor on the Top500 ...Full Article