Workshop Plots U.S. Course on Exascale
Perhaps self-evident but among the benefits flowing from National Strategic Computing Initiative discussions are clarification of specific obstacles in the path to exascale and the forcing of specific choices ...Full Article
Hewlett Packard Reboots With Enterprise Focus
Hewlett-Packard, HP, the iconic company often credited with laying the foundation for Silicon Valley and, with it, an unprecedented burst of technological creativity, attempts to reinvent itself beginning today ...Full Article
Genomics Workflows Get a Boost
Accelerating genomics analysis remains one of the toughest challenges in life science research. All manner of optimizations are in use – disk streaming, optimized parallel files systems, algorithm tweaks, ...Full Article
The Case for ‘Inexactness’ in Supercomputing
Scientific computing must become less rigid and power hungry as researchers seek new ways to model and understand the real world, a climatologist argues. In a commentary published this ...Full Article
Updated: HP Enterprise Will Cut 25,000 to 30,000 Jobs
Even before it gets off the ground, HP Enterprise – one of the two companies HP will split into by year’s end – is getting its wings clipped: HP ...Full Article
HP Enterprise’s Bill Mannel Talks HPC, Intel, Big Data, and More
As vice president and general manager of high performance computing and big data for Hewlett Packard Enterprise for almost a year, Bill Mannel oversees two fast-growing and complementary areas ...Full Article
In-Memory Platform Targets Real-Time Data
Querying real-time data on a massive scale remains a huge infrastructure hurdle that is increasingly being addressed by in-memory data grids. Hazelcast Inc., an in-memory computing vendor and partner ...Full Article
IoT Must Be ‘Cloud-Native’ to Scale, Group Says
A proposed open-source framework for the Internet of Things released this week is being positioned as the first cloud-native architecture to be documented as an industry specification. The Open ...Full Article
IBM, ARM Collaborate on IoT Platform
IBM and processor intellectual property vendor ARM Ltd. have joined forces on an Internet of Things platform that will integrate ARM devices with analytics services. The partners said this ...Full Article
IBM Targets In-Memory Databases With Power8
IBM and SAP have joined forces to add the HANA database to IBM's Power platform upgraded specifically to run in-memory analytics. The partners said SAP HANA would run across ...Full Article