A Rare Peek Into The Massive Scale of AWS
The idea behind cloud computing, as pioneer Amazon Web Services believed when it launched its first utility compute and storage products eight years ago, is to abstract away the ...Full Article
Prodigal Cray CTO Looks Ahead To Converged Analytics
At the end of the summer, Steve Scott, the chief technology officer who brought many of Cray's interconnects and systems to life in the past several decades, came back ...Full Article
Dell Pushes Up Server Density With FX
Since founding its Data Center Solutions unit back in May 2006, which began with a custom server drawn on the back of a bar napkin at the Driskell Hotel ...Full Article
New Dell GM Talks System Trends
It has been a year now since Dell took itself private and removed itself from the prying eyes of Wall Street investors. The company had its share of drama ...Full Article
Benefit From Microsoft’s Open Compute Hyperscale Designs
All large companies, whether they are hyperscale datacenter operators or cloud providers or they are enterprises supporting a diverse mix of workloads, wrestle with the polar opposites of creating ...Full Article
Inside IBM’s “Hollow Core”
Like any other seller of processors and systems in the datacenter, IBM is in an uphill battle with Intel, whose Xeon processors have become the de facto standard in ...Full Article
ARM Servers To Get Muscle From Microsoft?
Microsoft is reportedly – and not unexpectedly – developing a variant of the Windows Server operating system that runs on ARM server processors. Bloomberg reports that Microsoft has a ...Full Article
Moonshot Scale Leveraged For Transcoding, Web Infrastructure
Hewlett-Packard is ramping up its Moonshot hyperscale systems with a set of new server nodes and specific workloads in the enterprise that it has tuned up for the hardware. ...Full Article
ARM Brings More Cores To The Datacenter War
Back in May, ARM Holdings, the chip design and licensing company behind the ARM processor collective that underpins smartphones, tablets, and other consumer devices, and that is assaulting the ...Full Article
EMC Takes Over VCE Converged Systems Biz
EMC and Cisco Systems have decided that their VCE joint venture for converged infrastructure would become a business unit of the storage company by the end of the year. ...Full Article