Bitfusion Acquisition Extends VMware Virtualization of GPUs
VMware has championed the virtues of virtualization of the x86 architecture for more than 20 years, and now the company plans to extend its commitment to virtualizing new architectures ...Full Article
Microsoft Investing $1B in OpenAI Artificial General Intelligence R&D
Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is AI’s moonshot, the next giant leap for the AI field. Microsoft regards it to be feasible enough to warrant a $1 billion investment in ...Full Article
Facial Recognition’s Big 3: Accuracy (without Bias), Speed and Size
Having witnessed advancements in facial recognition from the start, I’ve marveled at the accumulation of use cases as companies familiarize themselves with the technology. Facial recognition facilitates enhancements to ...Full Article
Deep Learning Drives Global Financial Institution ‘to Gain Every Little Cent’
Oh, to be a data scientist now that AI is here. Money, prestige, deference and little interference, since few understand much of what data scientists do. Still, it isn’t ...Full Article
Red Hat in Middle of IBM-AT&T’s Expanded 5G, Cloud Pact
Ranked behind only the Dell-EMC and Avago-Broadcom acquisitions as the largest in the history of the technology industry, IBM’s $34 billion blockbuster purchase of Red Hat, announced last October ...Full Article
Graph Databases and Why You Should Care About Them
You use graph databases every day and probably don’t know it. Every time you visit LinkedIn and see first-, second-, or third-degree connections, you’re getting results from the social networking ...Full Article
Intelligent Data Virtualization and Freedom of Choice for Data Scientists
Data scientists must deliver accurate, agile insights that enhance company performance. At the same time, they face a host of technical barriers involving legacy data silos, security, data governance ...Full Article
Google Adds Deep Learning Containers to AI Lineup
Deep learning containers, a service recently rolled out in beta by Google, aims to help AI developers package the storage and computing dependencies required for services like its Kubernetes ...Full Article
AI’s Carbon Footprint May Be Bigger Than You Think
Data centers and supercomputers running AI workloads consume a lot of power, and power use causes carbon emissions. That’s generally known, but it’s not widely appreciated just how energy- ...Full Article
Nvidia Expands DGX-Ready AI Program to 19 Countries
Nvidia’s DGX-Ready Data Center Program, announced in January and designed to provide colo and public cloud-like options to access the company’s GPU-powered servers for AI workloads, has expanded the ...Full Article