Covering Scientific & Technical AI | Wednesday, March 12, 2025

100M Sensors under Management: C3 IoT Emerges from 8 Years in Development

After eight years in quiet development under the stewardship of Silicon Valley veteran and CRM pioneer Tom Siebel, C3 IoT’s “full stack” IoT Platform-as-a-Service has created a stir since ...Full Article

HPE, Hedvig Target Hybrid Cloud Storage

A day after announcing lackluster quarterly results as IT hardware demand declines, Hewlett-Packard Enterprise and software-defined storage startup Hedvig Inc. announced a hybrid cloud storage platform customized for HPE ...Full Article

Analytics at Scale Requires Out-with-the-Old Spring Cleaning

It is human nature to hold on to things after they’ve outlived their usefulness. The history of IT and technology is replete with similar examples of technologies that just ...Full Article

Nvidia Shares Recipe to Accelerate AI Cloud Adoption

In March, Nvidia revealed blueprints for a new open source Tesla GPU-based accelerator – HGX-1 – developed for clouds with Microsoft under its Project Olympus. Turns out HGX-1 was actually ...Full Article

Moving Machine Learning from Test to Production: High Performance Data Management

If advanced scale computing were a high school, machine learning would be the coolest kid at the cool kid lunch table, and that kid’s name would be Nvidia. Already ...Full Article

Quantum-Safe Blockchain Claim by Russian Researchers Met with Skepticism

The Russian Quantum Center today announced it has overcome the threat of quantum cryptography by creating the first quantum-safe blockchain, securing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, along with classified government communications ...Full Article

LinkedIn Spearheads Common Server Effort

A standards effort driven by LinkedIn that seeks to "redefine" future datacenter infrastructure will initially focus on a common form factor for servers, according to the founding members. Along ...Full Article

Distributed Systems and the Economic Power of Commoditization

IDC recently reported that the number of data centers is declining and, at the same time, the total square-feet of raised flooring in data centers is also shrinking. The ...Full Article

Digital Psychometrics and its Discontents: Online Footprints for Psychological Analytics

Occasionally we hear about predictive data modeling aimed at gaining psychological insight that at first blush seems – even to tech sophisticates who pooh-pooh AI alarmism – like a ...Full Article

What’s Up with Hyperion as It Transitions From IDC?

If you’re wondering what’s happening with Hyperion Research – formerly the IDC HPC group – apparently you are not alone, says Steve Conway, now senior VP of Research, Hyperion. ...Full Article
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